Last year I received my first refund in years and of course the IRS turned around gave it to me in the butt five to seven times harder. According to my W-2, the amount of pre-tax revenue I made…I find hard to believe since inflation devoured it! I don’t blame Grampa’ Brunch entirely, the GOP shares a hunch chunk of the blame along with their corporate masters who jacked prices well beyond the rate. On the upside, I had the means to cover the $1500 takes away from me while doing nothing about the One Percent and Organized Religion’s pyramid schemes. I really wanted to keep my shares tucked away for another year, see if their value would go even higher then kill off even more debt. I just wasn’t meant to be. So it’s better to have the money and use it than what’s been the case more often in my life, I had to borrow more. Nope, the IRS can take it and shove it while I get the Floor & Decor bill and something else killed off for good. This will free me up to pay down the furniture financing we did. Can’t wait to see the new bedroom set we bought in less than a month (see the countdown). Another factor to cheer me up, see tomorrow’s story which will have lots of cute photos!
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune
Totally get it!! Nice on the new bedroom furniture!!!