Messed up my beard

If you’ve seen me around Austin for the last several days, yes, I do look like Colonel Sanders and that wasn’t on purpose. Earlier in the week, I was reining in the boundaries of my beard…D’oh! I overshot the borderline for the right side of my face. Not sure what you call it, hold on, nope, nothing on the Internet for a geographic layout. It wouldn’t call it my chin line, how about my cheek line. Either way, blech! The only way to solve this while maintaining symmetry is to return to the old Klingon Van Dyke I had in my Twenties, which is copied all too often by Mills, Hipsters and people incapable of independent thought. OK, on the latter, I had to make the cheap shot since I had one in the Nineties before it was cool.

Fear not, I’m working on growing everything back to what I’ve strived to maintain since I went back to having a beard in 2007. The upside is this gives another “event” to watch in my long-term, stop-motion beard-growing movie I’m making for my friends’ children, starting from November 1, 2021 when all I had was my Weird Al ‘stache.

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