Another good doctor visit and discussion about CBD

My sanity wasn’t exactly in question lately although I have been feeling angrier and more irritable. I blame it on how the GOP and Dems continue to be fucking useless as the world burns. Either way, we had a productive discussion about the merits of CBD since someone close to me wants to try the gummies (or whatever) to address their anxiety. I’m a fan of Science so I trust and have confidence in people who have expertise in Scientific matters. My doctors short take was, no. The longer explanation…the C part has been inconclusive and most results have also leaned toward, no. However, the THC element which is in weed, giving stoners their euphoria, is always present in some form and this also taints the outcomes on C’s merits. I followed up with, can the THC be completely removed or will there always be a little as per decaf coffee (as much as 3% remains)? He said all the THC can be eliminated, the CBD purveyors choose not to because, and here I agree, what’s really the point other than the bullshit claims of “medicinal” applications. I know this all too well from past people claiming how it helped with back pain, glaucoma or any excuse they could concoct. People who are dying of cancer get a pass, they’re terminal so let them do whatever they want.

I readily admit the doctor backed my pre-determined stance which is very negative when it comes to “medicinal marijuana.” I was really open to him saying anything to contradict me yet the only people who have don’t have MD by their names or at least a BS in Chemistry. I am in favor of it being legal and controlled as per Canada. What our Northern neighbors have done hasn’t been a roaring success sadly. The legal stuff isn’t strong enough to satisfy their pot aficionados so the underground market continues to exist. To me, it strengthens my point about stoners being full of crap and how they just want to get high, not “cured.”

Now will my discussion help with others, namely the person I’m researching this for? Probably not.

And for weed’s defenders who love to bring up Bill Hicks’ musty old chestnut about a person at a concert acting like a violent asshole always being drunk, not high. Agreed, yet stoners have plenty of ugly behaviors I endure at shows and in the real world: Their incredible BO (on the limburger scale) poorly masked with patchouli and how what they smoke smells like a dead mouse burning. How they “hide” it in a vaping pen shows their general dull-mindedness too. My cats hiding behind the couch strategy, hoping I’m only one-foot tall, is about on par with the stoners’ thinking on the effectiveness of vaping.

Now to call him since we forgot to discuss my legitimate medication refills, crap.

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