The Fosters (Spring 22) are off to their Forever Homes

The day was coming and thankfully we received the e-mail from the Austin Humane Society as we were thinking, it’s time for these four-legged rugrats to be moving on, they don’t need their mama anymore…and they’re getting pretty destructive with toilet paper! AHS wanted to bring them back to the shelter for their vaccinations, neutering and to put them on the Web for potential humans. I feel we did a great job too. This quartet was well-fed (their size showed it), energetic and most importantly, comfortable around people and adult cats. On the latter, they scared the adults to the end with the exception of my  Agamemnon who you saw become a semi-mentor via the grooming and sleeping. Not sure how long it will be before Isis and Vegas come out of hiding and return to their routines.

Below are the final pictures I took of them before saying goodbye. I will never get their names right and I don’t care, they’ll be changed when they’re adopted.





I will be watching the AHS site to see how they’re doing and how soon they’re gone. I want to thank their future humans in advance and ask them to please love these little monsters with all their hearts. They’re all good kittens and will flourish into very cuddly, loyal cats. For now, Jennifer and I will be taking a break until at least the Fall, save some money on food and litter. Vegas, Nubby, Metztli, Agamemnon and Isis also deserve to have their turf back given how crazy the mama (London) was. I fear she’ll be a tough fit unless neutering changes her berserk rages to defend her young.

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