The January 6 Hearings

As the Democrats…no, the NeoLiberal Dumbfuck Party, sail head first into their drubbing this November, putting Amerika one step closer to a Christo-Fascist dictatorship under Ron DeSantis, they think televising their findings will prevent it. They’re thinking  it will be on par with Watergate but they’re completely forgetting how it will just fizzle out as poorly as the Iran-Contra hearings. St. Reagan walked away unharmed, Oliver North still roams free to spew his crap and anyone who was treated with jail time was pardoned by Bush the Elder. The problem is, the majority of Amerika has made up its mind and the minority which hasn’t, is exhausted from the Depp-Heard lawsuit. The only thing all three could agree on now is how inflation is killing us; the cause remains a point of contention since the MAGAts/Right Wingers rarely understand how their corporate overlords are to blame.

As an aging Lefty, the most painful part for me is Grampa Brunch’s worthless AG, Merrick Garland. He follows the same cowardly strategy from the Obummer Regime, only take on prosecutions with a good chance of success. Girth Vader learned well from his teacher Roy Cohn; little was written down on paper or can be found in e-mails so it’s going to subjective. And when your followers hate reality and the enemy installed the judges you have to convince, you might as well quit.

I’m going to miss living in a country with a false sense of democracy over a horrible plutocracy ruled by Herr DeSantis.

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