Rot in Hell Ken Starr & Lowry Mays

Two more assholes who made Amerika the shit storm it is today finally died.

The former most people know, he was the guy behind the vendetta to undo Slick Willie being elected twice. Starr had a special hard-on to get Clinton for anything which is why he exceeded the instructions his special investigative role had. Then again, the Clintons are typical arrogant, egotistical and stupid Boomers so getting caught in a perjury trap was inevitable even if Willie weren’t a poon hound. One huge thing often omitted from Starr’s bio, obit and story was his motivation to remove the Clintons. They do mention he was Solicitor General under Bush the Elder, they conveniently forget that if Bush won a second term, Starr would’ve been nominated to SCOTUS to help the other shitbirds and rapists end Roe and take away more of our rights.

Starr left a trail of slime wherever he went too. He was involved with Mar-a-Lardo so he wasn’t a “principled” Republican like Liz Cheney (really, a Fascist herself). The other major crime he should’ve been prosecuted for was his time as President of Baylor University. He used his position to try and cover up 15 sexual assaults on female students, two by football players. Obviously he failed, resulting his firing in 2016. Given he was a Republican, I’m sure his initial reaction to the accusations were, “Oh, boys will be boys.”

Lowry Mays is much less known and probably preferred it that way. As a founder of Clear Channel, his horrendous media corporation contributed to the decline of democracy in the US since many radio and TV stations CC owned blasted Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing liars. Mays has a more indirect connection to the spineless and inept Clintons. During their administration, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed, allowing CC to devour America’s electronic media landscape minus the Internet as this was in its infancy. Since the 1970s, assholes like Mays were only allowed to own seven FM, seven AM and seven local TV stations and none of the three could be in the same markets. There were grandfather clauses to protect other crooks like the Tribune Corporation, the Journal Corporation, the Hearsts, etc. who already did before the law. The law applied to new acquisitions which probably rankled Mays and his partners. St. Reagan opened it up to 12 in the Eighties, leading to some changes but eliminating the Fairness Doctrine was more devastating. This allowed the lying bullshitter Rush Limbaugh and his ilk to spread mis-information under the cover of their falsehoods being entertainment.

Still, 12/12/12 wasn’t enough and with the Newtster’s Contract on America regime, all protection was destroyed. Clear Channel went on a  spending frenzy, consolidating 2000 stations into one big homogenous wasteland spewing right-wing crap and identical music playlists in every city they were and the several they owned in the same city. Over 10,000 jobs were lost so whenever you hear about Republicans or Rich Dicks being job creators, remember how Clear Channel proves this to be a myth.

Remember how I mentioned the Internet not being a concern in 1996? I’m grateful it bit Mays and his evil regime in the ass. If they had pulled off their acquisitions in the Eighties or Seventies as they would’ve preferred, the plan to tackle all the debt buying 2000 stations creates might have worked…flooding the airwaves with ads as they do today, around 15-20 minutes per hour. The public doesn’t have to endure such noise. They can control their experience through their cell phones, MP3 players and streaming services. Often without ads or in some instances, they can skip them which I frequently do. It’s small wonder anyone under 60 religiously listens to either AM or FM for music. Now it’s old, dumb people taking orders from Tucker, Hannity or Laura on how transgendered Latin American refugees are going to teach CRT to their grandkids, never mind how the selfish Boomer generation pissed away those same grandkids’ futures with SUVs.

There’s more! Clear Channel got into satellite radio with Sirius/XM but it’s another money loser. One of the main satellites will fall out of orbit and replacing it isn’t cheap and it the service doesn’t has never had enough chumps to subscribe to get the biz to break even. They did get into Podcasts and Streaming yet hide behind the moniker of “I Heart Radio” because younger and informed people know Clear Channel is evil. Again, they’re probably fumbling as the average person is sick of ads, ask the crippled, dying broadcast and cable channels who are getting punched in the throat by streamers Netflix, Disney+ and Hulu.

If Hell does exist, then these two shitbags should have cells next to Bush the Elder, St. Reagan, David Koch, Rush Limbaugh and Phyllis Schaffley. I’ll also accept “It’s My Turn” Dole and “I was in Vietnam but I’m a true coward” John McCain. The other possibility I hope for is they’re added to a human centipede the previous dead jerks should be in. The person at the head, shitting into their mouths should be someone they all would be repulsed by yet deserves to be in Hell, say Robert Mugabe or Fidel Castro. Not just for their politics, both not being White is anathema to them all.

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