A couple, local, tough customers

To celebrate Caturday this week, here are two cats who live near my house. I often see members of their “colony” around a neighbor’s house but given the super, super cold weather, I didn’t bother trying to pet them. I figured they were all settled in and managing the best they could together. I’m puzzled on why they were in the open, I’m confident their human(s) have shelters set up for them when we experience extremes. You can tell by the looks on their faces, they’re not thrilled to be outside.

If you must know why I was walking about then, I had to run up to the near Circle K to get something Jennifer urgently needed and I forgot to pay for it, ergo, I hoofed it as a form of penance, get a lay on the land on how much damage we were looking at until the thaw.

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