Why Amerika must have mandatory retirement ages in gov’t

This other worthless mummy or bag of skin and lobbyist money, finally returned to Congress. I guess her staffers were ordered by K Street to do something or else the checks would stop coming. Christ! I don’t think Senator Crypt Keeper has a clue on where the hell she is let alone what she’s voting for, dinner being at 4 or 4:30! In addition to having the no sensible gun control and the worst healthcare system in the West, Amerika also lacks a mandatory retirement age for elected or appointed officials. Given how greedy and self-centered the Boomers are…all their fucking lives, is it small wonder they are no different in leading our nation into the grave, taking us all with them?

Now some of you apologists are saying, after the usual knee-jerk comments about this being anti-something despite the obvious damage having people who can’t even operate a TV remote being allowed to decide our collective fates…but Steve, when you get ‘up there,’ you wouldn’t be (or won’t) be willing to abdicate your power to the Mills and Gen Z when its really their turn! Umm, here’s where you’re dead wrong. I agree, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, a quote often credited to the immortal war criminal Henry Kissenger (now 100 while numerous good people died young). If my track record with music is a good, indicator, you’re dead wrong. I will more than happily step aside to let the future with even more skin in the game take the helm. I hope that if I have done a good job, my advice will be sought out from time to time while my mental capacities are intact. Eventually, I expect them to go completely their own way as they’ve gained enough experience and wisdom so I can wind down my affairs…in the ruins of what used to be the wealthiest civilization in known History, until people like Feinstein pissed it away.

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