Rot in Hell Henry Kissinger!

My counter the hagiography and/or massive mainstream corporate media ass-kissing of America’s biggest war criminal for the 20th Century. Kissinger easily defeated some heavy hitters before and after him:

  • Teddy Roosevelt & Randolph Hearst for Moros Uprisings in the Philippines.
  • The Dulles Brothers & Eisenhower for Latin America and Africa in the Fifties.
  • JFK & LBJ for starting and continuing the futile Vietnam War.
  • St. Reagan, Bush the First with their Iran-Contra Band for cocaine-fueled antics in Latin America and the Middle East during the Eighties.

Given his days as National Security Advisor and Sec’y of State, he used to share the title with Tricky Dick, a time when Kissinger also believe he was co-president, but he racked up higher numbers by sticking around in the Ford administration. He wasn’t done yet. Nope he continued to consult presidents of both parties until the end. It’s pretty easy to pull up incriminating photos of him with Slick Willie, Obummer and despite his efforts to snub the bastard, Grampa’ Brunch. Bilary definitely embraced him in her failed ’16 run, odd she didn’t blame him for losing too.

According to a biographer on Democracy Now! This shitty person was responsible for the deaths of at least three million people around the world. If you have the patience, you can learn why Hell may have a cell ready for him by listening to all six episodes of the podcast Behind the Bastards covering just him. Host Robert Evans also included the best guests to help explain why Kissinger was a bastard, Dave and Gareth from The Dollop.

One major highlight to illustrate his evil and lust for power. He was involved in wrecking the 1968 Vietnam peace talks with Kai-Shek’s widow and Tricky Dick’s dirty pool agents. An act which should’ve had him arrested for espionage because he had access to top secret materials through his consulting roles with the State Department. Instead, he landed the NSA role and in Tricky Dick’s second term, Sec’y of State while still being the NSA guy for another year or two. It’s amazing his neck didn’t break from the weight of his ego since he probably thought he was the new Bismarck or Talleyrand.

Kissinger didn’t stop at just expanding the Vietnam War into Cambodia. His hate of letting Latin America have free will resulted in the overthrow of Chile’s legitimate government so his Chicago Boys could plunder their economy under the murderous Pinochet. No doubt he received kickbacks…sorry, consultancy fees for privatizing the resources belonging to the Chileans.

If America ever wants to be embraced as a trustworthy partner, besides spending decades of cleaning up our bloodletting with humanitarian aid, it will be mandatory for our leaders to condemn this piece of shit. So in short, it’s never going to happen with the Boomer and many Gen X leaders. Too many have been poisoned by Kissinger’s realpolitik lies.

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