2008: al-Zaidi throws his shoes at Dubious Bush

To me it was one of the funniest things I had seen on the news in years and I loved to see that inbred moron at the podium dodging the shoes being thrown at him. Sadly, Dubious still looked pretty smug as Muntadhar al-Zaidi yelled (in Arabic), “This is a farewell kiss from the Irakienne people, you dog!” Yes, I misspelled the nationality on purpose because English speakers are dumb and have it wrong as the ‘-i’ suffix is only applicable for people in parts of South Asia, namely around India.

Anyway, al-Zaidi was a journalist who took a big risk to insult one Amerika’s worst and he paid for it. A year in prison and numerous injuries from the Secret Service putting the hurt on him. But he said what millions wanted to say, Thanks for leaving our country in much worse shape than it was before you asshole! Dubious was lucky Arabs expressed it with their shoes given how many more unhinged Amerikans use guns, guns he and his Fascist (they were this long before 2016) party thought it was OK to let them have.

The biggest surprise wasn’t al-Zaidi’s poor aim, other than an Eddie Murphy routine, foot wear (shoes, sandals, boots, even Crocs) aren’t known for accuracy; no, it was Dubious not making a flippant quip. I feared he would’ve said, “Good thing he used Odor Eaters, or I’da been in serious trouble! Heh!” or, “He missed due to not knowing a secret we have back in Austin, wearing socks with sandals. That improves our aim.”

Where are they now? We all know the war criminal and his cabal continue to walk free thinking his shitty paintings redeem him…oh, and pointing out who much worse Trump is, despite laying down the ground work for the awfulness. Mr. al-Zaidi promised to built orphanages and hospitals, thanks to the US destroying the ones they had; no idea how well this was coming along. He also ran for office in 2018 to fight the corruption of the puppet government and to force US and Iranian influence. So much for the enemy of my enemy is my ally.

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