RIP Jennell Jaquays née Paul Jaquays

Another great first-generation contributor to D&D and other role-playing games passed away yesterday. Jennell Jaquays may not have been around during the days when Gygax, Arneson, Johnson and other early TSR employees were getting the game off the ground. Nor was she an easily recognizable name, but she was a double threat: writer and artist. She contributed to modules published by Judges Guild (based in nearby Decatur, IL!), for D&D, Runequest and probably Traveller. Years later, I saw her work in RoleMaster. When D&D had its first comeback with Third Edition (aka 3E) in the Aughts, her The Caverns of Thracia got an update/conversion. I know I have a copy somewhere in storage!

There’s more about Jennell’s career, namely the video game parts I was unaware of, here at this Wikipedia link. I shouldn’t be surprised. People involved with role-playing games have a long, rich history of involvement with the video game biz whether they’re “simple” like Pac Man or “complicated” as Ultima was.

Thanks for everything Jennell! You contributed to a hobby I love and were in some ways, a part of my life.

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