Biden wasn’t the first POTUS with dementia

The rather damning conclusion to the independent DOJ investigator for Grampa’ Brunch’s improper collecting/storing of classified documents backfired. Well, it really just solidified what everyone already knew, he’s too fucking old now let alone a second term. The same for Orange Foolius. They’re both, two old farts spouting nonsense with Pelosi n’ Grassley. Not sure if Bernie is still sharp or the Corporate Media isn’t cunning enough to catch him. I still think he should also retire, make an opening for a younger person to carry on.

Meanwhile, this moronic quote attributed to St. Reagan demonstrated the duality of how willfully ignorant and stupid he really was. On top of it, I cropped out the graphic’s main goal, to shill a “book” arguing why intelligent design is valid, aka, how KKKristians can stealthily force religion into Science, primarily to “refute” Evolutionary Theory.

Nobody in the universe thinks nor believes that gourmet food bubbles up randomly from Chaos. If it were the Internet, then you could bet dollars to donuts, Libertarians do since it is anathema to acknowledge “Big Gov’t” creating their livelihoods to spread bullshit any more than the same entity won WWII or landed 12 people on the moon and brought them back alive. However, I’m not surprised, some semantic-based turd lawyer and/or sophist put this into Ronnie’s empty head. It couldn’t have been Nancy’s, racist, classist astrologer Joan Quigley, this asshole knew servants made her food and just hoped they didn’t poison it every day.

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