Happy Groundhog Day 2021 and the Header

Some say nostalgia is a (mind)trap. I guess, but only if you dwell there forever and constantly long for it, aka Classic Rock or Jay Gatsby. I still let myself have an hour to remember how much this day in 1994 rocked. I saw Graceland for the first time, checked out the essential sites involving President Clinton in Little Rock and wrapped up the day in Dallas. Just several legs of the journey to my relocation to Austin. I think it’s the last time I ever bothered to use travelers’ checks (or cheques) instead of plastic too. It was also my first adult vacation not involving a wedding or a convention. I’ve done better since then.

We are also now into the second month of 2021 with about several million people vaccinated in America, mostly rich assholes and the politically connected. Jennifer received the second shot yesterday. Within a couple weeks, she’s theoretically immune give or take a five-percent chance.

February also means Chinese New Year which is the Year of the Ox. Finding good pictures of them for my design was pointless so let’s face it, bulls and cows are cousins, they’ll do. I never grew up with Oregon Trail yet I’m confident that wagon trains were pulled by oxen, I got one out of three right!

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