From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
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Tag Archives: Biking
The overdue explanation for May 2021’s Header
While I await the green light to bring Agamemnon home; I did receive a call at 6 AM today with an update that was optimistic, he thanks you all in his odd way; I want to explain the weird “blob” … Continue reading
Hoser’s house (by bike) achieved!
Today, I got across the second threshold of distance on my hybrid bike, Nancy & José’s house which is 213 miles from Austin. I’m doing way better too. The soreness in my legs is minimal and the mediation I’m having … Continue reading
Two hundred miles by bike achieved!
This weekend I continued to push the proverbial envelope in my quest to ride my bike from home to work and back; when I can return to using the gym, I will be reversing journey. Today, I made it from … Continue reading
First physical 100 miles by bike achieved!
On the weekends, I push the distance envelope with my (relatively) new bicycle. The long-term goal is to ride from my house to my job, approximately 7.5 miles one way or 15 total. When this shit show ends, the plan … Continue reading
San Antonio (by bike) achieved!
Today, I got across the first threshold of distance on my hybrid bike, San Antonio which is around 80 miles from Austin. I also closed the rings for the ninth time in a row even though I’ve been on my … Continue reading
My new bike rack!
The missing piece(s) I needed to have the rack installed from last week arrived yesterday. Mike, the guy who sold everything I bought, put it all together and now I can transport two bikes via my car. Two? Why two? … Continue reading
My first new bike in 25 years
I was just getting too stir crazy and missing the gym so I went to Austin’s very nice Sun & Ski franchise to get a new bike. Years ago, I bought one for Somara but never followed up for me. … Continue reading