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Tag Archives: Fast Food
1940: McDonald’s opens
Brothers Richard and Maurice began their restaurant which would become synonymous with America, Fast Food and crappy work (see McJob), for better or worse, on this day. If you saw their place on this day, you wouldn’t recognize it because … Continue reading
Heinz stole Hoser’s idea!
One odd habit my best friend José had in college was dipping his fries in a mix of mayonnaise and catsup/ketchup (I don’t care which). He really liked it too. He’d fill up a salad bowl with this gross concoction! … Continue reading
Whataburger sold to a Chicago interest
Since 1950, the Dobson family has kept their predominantly Texas-based burger chain privately owned. It is something they proudly display on the windows of the restaurants, “Family Owned.” Not any longer. Technically what Harmon Dobson’s offspring have done is sell … Continue reading
Extra perk from Arby’s!
After a long day of getting back into the groove of work (thank you vaccines! I’ll take your side effects over the ignorance morons are causing from withholding), I chose to get a treat from Arby’s. It may be the … Continue reading
Another year without a Shamrock Shake
I need to get off my butt and write a polite, complaint letter to the McDonald’s corporation regarding them letting this tradition lapse. Maybe it’s a Texas problem, I need input from all of you who live in other US … Continue reading
Tried the “new” Quarter Pounder
I remember the announcement last year about McDonald’s switching to fresh ground beef for their burgers in 2018. Well I finally got around to trying to taste the difference. In short, the Quarter Pounder (with cheese) doesn’t taste like the … Continue reading
I guess I will take the ice…
While I was about to have my car inspected at the dealership, I took in a quick breakfast with the nearby MacDo’s (the French slang term). There wasn’t a Starbucks for my caffeine fix nor any other coffee shop, so … Continue reading