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Tag Archives: Medical Policy
Got my booster shot against CV-19 today
Not sure if the booster is making me tired, the long weekend or the aftermath of Daylight Savings Time ending. Just glad I had it done as Winter will kick in. Can’t get a flu shot though for about four … Continue reading
Posted in Biology, Health, News, Science & Technology
Tagged Current Events, Medical Policy
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Why US health care is crap via LEGO people
Imagine how big the bill would be if he went to the emergency room or a doctor outside his plan’s provider list.
More Trumpkin incompetence ahead
Just as deficits don’t matter when the GOP is in charge, neither does the stock market “correcting itself.” Nevermind that when Orange Foolius was armchair quarterbacking, while constantly repeating the debunked lie over Obummer’s birthplace, he said the current POTUS … Continue reading
Another reason why a Bismarck plan would be better
A common rebuttal or claim from the Conservative/Republican/Libertarian echo chamber against America having a European-style healthcare system is always the bullshit about government bureaucrats making the decisions. It’s not really the case in Germany, home to the preferred system I … Continue reading
The Healing of America by T. R. Reid
I don’t want our healthcare to be socialized like France’s! (It’s ranked number one in the world.) If we change our system to be like Canada’s or the Europe’s, then it will be rationed and there won’t be enough! (It’s … Continue reading