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Tag Archives: Quiz
Simpson Quiz from Mental Floss
Name all 12 characters who have three-letter first names. You get three minutes. I got nine! Beat that!
Shazbot! I aced this Sci-Fi book cover quiz
Check it out at the ever so clear Guardian link. A few were rather easy due to the covers resembling their film adaptations. I figured 9 out of 10 was my best chance. Finally got everything correct.
How big was the body count?
A gruesome quiz from the Guardian but not all the movies listed were all blood and guts. My score was a mere five out of 10. See if you can do better here.
Anchorman quiz from The Guardian
I managed to get six out of 10 which is pretty good for a movie I haven’t seen in a few years. A co-worker I know who loves the original nailed nine. See what you get here.
How well do you know your Star Wars tech?
A 10-question quiz courtesy of The Guardian. I only got eight right, guess which two I was wrong about and share your scores!