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Monthly Archives: February 2014
The Monuments Men: Don’t Bother
A rather schmaltzy synopsis about how the (Western) Allied Forces undertook semi-dangerous missions to recover stolen artwork from the Nazi regime. We also went despite tepid reviews because The Lego Movie was sold out and we had free tickets to iPic, a … Continue reading
Jake Johannsen
Jake came by Austin to deliver his wit and wisdom before he headed over to what will be his umpteenth appearance on David Letterman, umpteenth is metric for over 40. He’s an awesome stand-up comedian who can just run with numerous … Continue reading
RIP Harold Ramis
The man involved a few of the Eighties’ raunchiest and popular comedies passed away after being ill for a while according to the Guardian. Harold directed the greatest movie involving golf…Caddyshack. Even when you have to sit through the scenes with … Continue reading
Futurama Reincarnation
One of the funniest parodies or re-interpretations Futurama did was its tribute to the numerous Japanese cartoons brought to America in the last several decades. Not the higher caliber, less-censored stuff now shown on Cartoon Network or available through specialized video … Continue reading
Marquette Day 2014 in Austin
The annual tradition was upheld as the baton has been passed from the former local organizer Chris to Annette recently. Chris is in the process of moving to Chicago, poor guy especially with the brutal winter happening. Annette did a … Continue reading
New running record set this week
Overall the posts have been slow and/or sporadic due to fatigue from the late nights, not the Olympics. It’s a blur even why I didn’t achieve much beyond the Gordon visit and a really killer Stars v. Checkers game. Running … Continue reading
RIP Bob Casale
DeVO is one band I would use a time machine to travel back to see during their prime, namely the New Traditionalists tour. I did get to see them in 2011 which was a make-up date for Fun Fun Fest … Continue reading
A quick Gordon-based reunion!
The old Sunday Breakfast Crew reunited to welcome back the Gordons! They moved away to New York state (Albany area) a couple years ago. How I missed the wit and wisdom of the two kids but now there’s three. Nevin … Continue reading
Happy Belated Birthday to Jeff
It was last Thursday but matters were really crazy recently, especially as we’re finally getting over the cold snap. Our little celebration for Jeff will be delayed as I get through my ongoing schedule of other obligations but he let … Continue reading
Happy 205th Birthday Abe Lincoln and Charles Darwin
Two very reviled figures by the Far Right, Teabaggers and segments of the Deep South. They weren’t perfect people but both helped human progress and did what they could to make the world a better place. Lincoln resided in my … Continue reading
Posted in Anthropology, Biology, History, Science & Technology
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RIP Sid Caesar
His career peaked long before I was born so Sid was more well known to my generation through his numerous cameos in Mel Brooks’ Seventies movies (Silent Movie, History of the World Part I), a starring role in It’s Mad Mad…World … Continue reading
Freezapocalypse 2!
Not really. Just the (un)expected overreaction the local governments did again because it was cold with drizzle last night. Never mind the roads being acceptable or better this morning. It would’ve been nice to sleep in a bit but anything to cut … Continue reading
New podcasts I’m hooked on #1
Let’s see, I started this story about two years ago and by now I have changed my listening habits again as a couple podcasts either fizzled out (sadly, the AC due to the host’s new baby, ONN stopped distributing via … Continue reading
“Obscure” Action Figures are coming!
I use the quotes around the term because some of these characters have appeared as McFarlane or other brands. These upcoming figures are likely to be modeled after the Star Wars 3 3/4″ (9.5 cm) toys Kenner succeeded with despite Fisher Price … Continue reading
Now it’s the Freezapocalypse!
Central Texan schools, governments and businesses (included my employer) decided to err on the side of overreaction today since last week they didn’t heed the wiser heads. Sure Atlanta got ridiculed on The Daily Show but we made the front page … Continue reading