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Daily Archives: June 7, 2015
Another shout-out on Nerd Poker
OK, OK, OK, I’m late regarding my shout out via Blaine which happened during the May 13 episode, #126 “Dick Spiders-Save,” the donors portion kicked in closer to the end this time. It was pretty funny with what he said … Continue reading
Day One: My Apple Watch
The timing was perfect! Somara and I received our watches on the same day despite my order being placed several weeks earlier. This gave us the opportunity to configure them together. The new 1.01 update was already in place. What … Continue reading
Funny parody of a post card
If you can’t laugh at yourself, what’s the point. Plus, I dislike those who only find the misfortunes of others funny. This would namely be Faux News watchers, conservatives, bro’s who still love Adam Sandler and sadly, my mother, based … Continue reading