Final Star Trek header for the anniversary

The last televised version of Star TrekEnterprise gets an unfair shake. Despite it being filled with continuity holes unlike all the other shows, I felt Captain Archer and the crew really got rolling some time in the second season. The whole space 9/11 crap then threw it off, the Xindii were lame. The writers pulled out all the stops on fandom for the fourth season because, hey, they were going to be cancelled why not go out awesome! The finale wasn’t as dreadful as I warned.

Back to the continuity matter. The first show had none really since TV was just episodic with everything then. Probably due to no VCRs, DVRs and streaming. When NG and the rest came about in the Eighties on, they tried yet my complaint is production companies only pay for two types of shows: S(h)itcoms and Procedurals, ergo, many times Star Trek was Matlock in space. Enterprise arrived too soon for the bigger tidal shift we’ve seen thanks to AMC’s Breaking Bad, HBO’s numerous shows (probably Game of Thrones is the  leader) and probably 24 from Fox. CBS is dragging its feet on Discovery and they want you to pay for their streaming over one show to subsidize their steady diet of grandparents’ TV programming. As Jon Stewart once, CBS is the network that’s usually on when you visit your grandma at the nursing home.

Enterprise‘s four seasons are all on Netflix. I think they deserve to be revisited. Power through the stupid Xindii arc and you’ll be rewarded plus there were interesting shows in between. Namely the first time Archer meets the Andorians led by the always welcome Jeffrey Combs!

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