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Daily Archives: June 3, 2019
RIP iTunes
It was a good run for software given how rapidly things evolve faster than human wisdom but the writing was on the wall since iOS had already separated iTunes’ functions into three apps. My brother has a very intriguing and … Continue reading
Red-light cameras are now banned in Texas!
As the cliché goes, a broken clock is right twice a day is definitely true with the Texas Legislature (aka, the Laboratory for Bad Ideas), Governor Shitbag (Abbott) and Lt. Governor Red Skull (Patrick). I actually agreed on one law … Continue reading
3000 miles!
Today I made it to the 3000-mile mark for my cumulative mileage on an exercycle! I should be closing in on 4000 somewhat faster as June is the month I implement a new strategy to achieve 100 miles per week, … Continue reading