1820: Missouri Compromise

Congress back then found a way to kick the can down the road on slavery by admitting Missouri into the US as a slave state if Maine joined as a free state. Thus setting off the continuing battle of always trying to find two states at a time to balance the Senate, probably the House too.

Some things never change.

Now we’re in the same dilemma with Climate Change but the Deniers aren’t contained to just the South, they’re sprinked throughout the West with smatterings in the remaining regions. Eventually this will hit critical mass and…we’re then screwed, or the Deniers will be so pimp-slapped by Reality, they will finally capitulate.

Today, Missouri is a hybrid state. Its northern half is mostly Midwestern with agriculture, attitudes and to some extent politics. The southern half, mainly “below” St. Louis, is Dixie, filled with Ammosexuals, bikers, meth labs and evangelicals. Maybe it should be two states. South Iowa and North Arkansas.

Maine hasn’t fared too well over the decades neither. It may have given us Stephen King yet in return, they elected a shitbag governor (LePage). He’s gone now while the damage he left in his wake remains, like all true believer Republicans love to do, leave a mess, blame it on the black guy or woman. It is also incumbent upon these lobster eaters to fire Susan Collins. Her phoney-baloney excuse to acquit Orange Foolius defies critical thinking. She has a horrendous track record for a people that are allegedly Yankees.

Today, Missouri Compromise has the negative connotation it deserves.

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