The world is dragging ass

Remaining stuck over the shoe(s) dropping and despite some joyful things happening in my life, I just feel sad. Why? I wish I knew entirely. I live in relative comfort and safety compared to several billion people lacking clean water, decent housing or food security.

Immediate thoughts? I still retain some guilt in hurting Shea’s feelings; I know she’s human despite any arguments otherwise. Life continues to be in a senseless holding pattern over UFCU, lawyers and work. A couple friends are also in pain or undergoing bullshit because this is America, rich people’s rights overrule everybody else’s. The freezing rain Austin is now receiving isn’t helping, thus GIF with the Doctor.

On the other hand, there’s the temptation to just say…aww the hell with this! Sell the house, cash out my retirement (after Somara’s takes her ‘half’), life off the profit as I piece together the means to just travel, namely to the Netherlands, see if the Dutch would be interested in my skills and experience. America doesn’t seem to give a shit. Another thing I learned about how much more on the ball the Dutch are, intelligence expert/commentator Malcolm Nance said their version of the CIA/NSA hacked into the Russians’ disinformation campaign in 2016. They knew the logins, the actors, etc. Now there’s a country hitting above its weight in reality (the UK can only do this via James Bond movies).

But there’s reality. Let’s see if I feel better tomorrow.

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