Austrian town changing its name for obvious reasons

Now this place makes the news‽ If you watch the movie below you’ll see my point and there’s a clincher at the end. Go ahead, I’ll wait…

…OK, get a little chuckle? I know I was baffled, soooooo…

Google Translate was no help because when I entered the town’s name for the German side, I received the same result in English. For once, Wikipedia was useful. It means “Focko’s People,” and the first syllable is pronounced “FOO” not the English “FUH.” The Austrians probably never gave much thought in centuries past since the F word only goes back a century in English. If I’m wrong, let me know.

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One Response to Austrian town changing its name for obvious reasons

  1. Jeremy says:

    The F word in English goes back to at least the 1500s, with the earliest known usage in writing dating to 1310 when a man was listed as being named (and I’m truly, truly not making this up, I promise) “Roger Fuckebythenavele.”

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