RIP David Prowse

The man behind the mask for the good Star Wars trilogy is gone. It’s sad that David and Lucas were never able patch up their falling out, whatever it may have been and given Lucas’ ego, I’m going to side with David.

I knew who he was pretty early thanks to Star Wars trading cards having little facts on the back. They even mentioned his previous career playing the Frankenstein monster in the UK’s Hammer Horror flicks. Plus, they let me know someone else was providing the voice.

Years later I managed to see him in the credits of other films/TV shows. Obviously the only movie which readily comes to mind is A Clockwork Orange, David is a surviving victim’s bodyguard. If you remember, David assists the victim in getting revenge on Alec for past misdeeds. On Hulu, you can see him in a brief part on the UK TV version of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. David was also Christopher Reeve’s trainer to get all buff for the Superman flicks.

In his obit from The Guardian, many UK residents remember David as the Green Cross Man which was a campaign promoting road safety. David said it was his proudest accomplishment.

Farewell Mr. Prowse. I’m bummed I never got to meet you at a convention to thank you in person. I appreciate all you did, namely in making Darth Vader scary and imposing.

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