Adios Gina…you dumbass

The Internet was definitely abuzz over Gina Carano’s firing from The Mandalorian which is a shame since the ongoing second impeachment of Orange Foolius is more pressing.

However, there’s a good explanation for why she posted such incredibly false, blatant lies on ‘social media.’ She has been punched in the head too many times from her past career in MMA! Believe me, after a few good kicks in the noggin’, anyone would start to believe the bullshit the GOP spews over so-called cancel culture, librul bias, the dead voting and any rationalization of when assholes don’t get their way. I would also bet that her old man’s past concussions as a Dallas Cowboys quarterback were passed on through their shared DNA.

It’s a bummer to me for a couple reasons. Firstly, I was hoping she wasn’t a complete shit-head to warrant joining my Famous Italians posts but now she can suck it with Mussolini and Berlusconi, I prefer to call the latter Berlu-scummy. Secondly, it was pretty cool to see a woman Sci-Fi character who didn’t have the preferred Hollywood body type: hourglass shape, blonde and fake tits.

I’m also laughing at the sympathetic whining via the hollow claims about Liberals orchestrating this. Sigh…Show Business is a Business! Hell, BUSINESS is in the name and since Republicans are Kapitalism uber alles, they often forget that second word. Hollywood isn’t keen on any kind of negative attention regardless of which political camp it originates from, especially Disney. The Evil Mouse loves to portray itself as the most inoffensive, milquetoast velvet glove within an iron fist. Walt himself would rant in agreement with Gina’s views but he’d fire her ass in a heartbeat if it meant losing one dollar over her employment. Again, the people at the top of the Hollywood food chain ARE REPUBLICANS. The majority are obviously not MAGAts, they’re the old guard Country Club-Brahmin kind who wished Sen. Mittens won in 2012 yet they’re fine with NeoLiberal sellouts like Grampa’ Brunch, Black Nixon and Slick Willie. They’re the Republicans who have come to accept homosexuals since many ARE, David Geffen readily comes to mind and he’s been Grade A Shitbag since the Seventies regardless of who he slept with.

If Hollywood were thoroughly and truly Liberal or, heavens forbid! Lefties…they wouldn’t be using union-busting tactics such as:

  • Shooting in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Eastern Europe and Georgia where those tax payers pick up the tab for making the shareholders rich. The created jerbs pay way less too. Shame on those countries for their contributing to the race to the bottom. We need to find a way to punish them.
  • Cooperating with the Talent Agencies in ‘bundling’ which is why 97% of the WGA members fired their agents. The ‘savings’ came at the expense of killing the livelihoods of writers.
  • Incorporating every production, namely movies, as individual entities to screw the little people owed money for the numerous failures Hollywood makes.
  • The low-balling of Special Effects houses through piecemeal jobs alongside the usage of outsource hellholes in India and Eastern Europe. How else did MCU flicks get done so rapidly?
  • Let us also never forget how every time a new distribution technology pops up (the VCR, cable, DVDs, streaming), there has to be a work-stopping strike to get an equitable revenue-sharing arrangement from the greedy assholes at the top.

So to summarize, before any of you loudmouth Republicans open yer yap over Librul Hollywood, stop, think again, look up whose really in charge, then spew your falsehoods more carefully. 

Lastly, where was the outrage when Kevin Spacey got deservedly ‘cancelled’ after enough allegations gained the traction to go to a criminal court for his immoral behavior; forcing himself on underage people? Oh yeah, he’s gay. Harvey Weinstein? A rich, successful movie producer forcing women into boning him? Oh yeah, he’s Jewish. Now get under my tarp when I quiz the #CancelDisney+ stormtroopers about Bruce Willis, Jon Voight and Ahnold still having jobs, their tiny, toxic brain matter isn’t something you want touching your skin.

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