Futurama is back baby! Again, no wait, maybe, take your pick

Yesterday’s announcement stating that Hulu ordered 20 new episodes of Futurama on the day Netflix released Disenchantment‘s latest 10 (making it the fourth season), sounded rather auspicious to me. Does this mean Disenchantment is over given how impatient Netflix is? They have cancelled shows as soon as they post a season, destroying any chance the story will develop any further: Hoops, Tuca & Bertie and Everything Sucks. Ergo, Groening timed the Hulu news as a “screw you” at Netflix? Why not. I can’t think of any show to come back after being cancelled twice (Fox in 2003, Comedy Central in 2013) which would give Groening some solace after his third original idea bit it. Personally, if Netflix did axe Disenchantment, move it to a more patient network, one not obsessed with impossible growth and hellbent on Chinese eyeballs.

Of course the turd in the punchbowl was John DiMaggio refusing to join. The issue is obviously money and I’m down with it. Disney owns the majority of Hulu, they can afford to give all the actors involved more. I don’t like how the press said the dispute is between him and show runners. I highly doubt David X Cohen and Matt Groening have any control of the show’s budget, the people running Hulu do. Whoever is being the stingy moron has certainly learned nothing about the past fights involving voice actors, namely Fox’s failed attempts at The Simpsons. The voice-acting world isn’t very large and they mostly stick together, meaning someone who could imitate John to get a close version of Bender, won’t audition. Long ago, I used to listen to Rob Paulsen’s show (Pinky and an army of others) and he said, whenever a voice actor sees an opening for a character that’s well known, they often contact the person who was doing it to find out why. Sometimes, the actor says, I’m retiring or they didn’t want me because they’re rebooting the show. In short, they get permission. If they discover the studio is looking for a scab, they work in solidarity. Hulu might find their willing stooge…for a while. I doubt the other cast members will endure it. I’m confident it’s all a bluff and Hulu will cave. If The Simpsons managed to get Harry Shearer back and he’s a prickly person, not just over money, numerous things; John DiMaggio is more reasonable. Good luck!

Oh yeah, to the naysayers who whined about how Futurama wrapped up neatly with “Meanwhile.” Suck it! It’s Science Fiction, a comedy and an episodic show. Besides, Cohen will be employing many of the same great team from the past seasons: Patric Verrone, Ken Keeler, Josh Weinstein, Mike Rowe and Dan Webber are my guesses.

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