Hooray! My vision or eyeballs, are holding steady!

I accidentally discovered I was overdue for an eye exam and it only happened thanks to me stepping on my glasses; the joys of sleeping on a mattress on the floor. How did I pull this off in my youth? Today I have to be a starring member of Cirque du Soleil to stand up in the morning! And yes, I have a nightstand, it just happened to be the one time I left my glasses on the floor without thinking it through. Currently, the best/only pair I’m wearing are holding up thanks to the Kragl keeping the frame together so the lens doesn’t fall out. The downside is I can’t “close” the part hanging over my ear as I glued it stuck. At least it’s not on the lens!

So I got my appointment. Went through those tests in which you’re paranoid about giving the correct answers, especially the peripheral vision video game. All I could think, c’mon Steve, roll high on your Perception checks! Then comes, do I answer honestly or guess what letter I think I see? I’ve never bothered to memorize the charts as per Cotton Hill did in a great episode of King of the Hill. The only matter to go badly, one test gave me motion sickness or something because I had to hurriedly ask the doctor for her trash can to puke into. Normally I’m OK when I haven’t had much to eat and I didn’t drink any Starbucks before arrival. Nothing to fear. It was only the dry heaves and if it wasn’t, I did make the target unlike Archer.

The good news is my eyes have had no decline for three more years, they’re still at least 2017 capabilities! What can I say, I’m vain and vision is a big concern for me. We live in a visual world these days. If you can’t read or watch stuff, you’re in deep shit.

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