One Gen X Maggi couple made it to 27 years…

…and obviously it wasn’t me! Congratulations to Linda and Brian along with their two kids for making it this long.

In an era in which it’s easier to get a divorce instead of working it out or toughing it out, I applaud those, including my right-wing cousins, who pulled it off. The no-fault divorce being invented is what we Westerners deserve for getting hooked into marriages based upon romance over property or securing dynastic alliances to keep national borders intact. Given all the technology we have to prevent unwanted pregnancies and VD propagation, those older styles of marriages could end up back in vogue with side affairs being allowed.

However, I want to celebrate Linda and Brian’s success. I’m sure it’s had its rough times and crises because all successful relationships do. His wedding day was another one of my favorite times in Chicago. The food and booze. The reception. Seeing my mother actually buzzed. Trying not to giggle during the ceremony over the Best Man’s kilt (really my friends, I hadn’t seen the Mike Myers movie). Paying for a meal with all the friends I left behind in Chicago for Austin. It made flying worth the fear.

I hope Linda and Brian beat the family record and I’m around to see it. Hmmm. Our maternal grandparents made it until Grandpa died, 51 years (I think). Our parents are currently at 54 going on 55 this Summer. To tie, 27 years exactly and I will be…really old, OK 70 going on 71. I think the bigger curiosity will be, if there’s any technology around to comment on their 54 years, what will it be other than a Web page because I probably should be learning how to write on leather or a cave wall.

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