This week’s Caturday, tunnel troubles!

This week, I captured the kittens enjoying one of the toys they’re supposed to be tearing up because it’s designed NOT to be torn apart, a nylon tunnel. Originally, I bought it for Agamemnon to entertain him with Isis given he was a young cat. I figured he’d want to play, run around, have fun with the older, semi-active Isis. Nope. They never took the bait or slight interest. Those two just prefer good ol’ wrestling until someone makes a blood-curdling scream. Metztli joining the mix made fun even less likely. Jennifer’s two cats are way older and would rather just “watch cat TV” via the window. The fosters as you see, they can’t get enough of the tunnel unless they’re chewing boxes, attacking my book bag or finding additional ways to make us say, “I think they’re ready for their new homes!”


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