Rot in Hell Pat Robertson

Another piece of shit KKKristian bites the dust who also lived too long and didn’t suffer enough. I first recall him via our cable TV in Springfield carrying his propaganda known as CBN with his bullshit. I was just a kid then but being in a Catholic family, I knew he was bad news since he spewed nonsense.

He reared his ugly head out from under his slimy rock in 1988 to challenge Bush the Elder for the GOP nomination. Although Robertson’s ilk loved the false religiosity of St. Reagan (a hint of what was to come), the Moral Majority and Evangelicals (Christo-Fascists) were thrilled to see a traditional WASP in the running. Somehow their beliefs about love and compassion for all doesn’t apply when a Country Clubber who accepts Jews and Catholics is in the lead. He didn’t make any difference. The Democrats choosing a guy born to Greek immigrants and capable of speaking five languages fluently (he could’ve been the first POTUS since FDR with such a skill) was enough to snap the xenophobic bloc into line.

If there is a Hell, sadly it’s a fiction created by organized religion, the first tyrannical government humans always create when agriculture is figured out; I hope he’s in it for will forever be remembered with this hateful, inaccurate quote…

Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

Obviously, any form of critical thinking was his enemy because it exposed how much he fleeced millions of dumb people believing in sky cake.

He may have lived to see Roe v. Wade overturned but time is on my side. Each generation of Americans are less religious like our European cousins. Short of a horrible catastrophe, which is bound to happen thanks to our two right-wing political parties, America is on course to returning to the secular state founded in 1789.

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