Rot in Hell Silvio Berlusconi

He was the warning shot the rest of the West ignored, probably due to most Limo Liberals in Amerika thinking, “Oh Dubious Bush will be the worst it ever gets. The Republicans are not unreasonable.”


To give you a reminder of who Berlusconi was and the damage he did to not just Italy but probably the European Union, let me remind you. He was Italy’s hybrid of Girth Vader and Rupert Murdoch, a greedy blowhard whose media holdings should now be broken up since he only came to power and held on by controlling too much of the media. He lied continually and did everything he could to make himself and his cronies richer. Now they’re governed by this horrible Neo-Fascist he laid the ground work for. I’m shocked he was partially dethroned by a sex scandal too. European cultures really don’t give a crap about infidelity since it’s par for the course. He’s gone now but given how stupid right wingers everywhere, they’ll probably spread the same myth Mussolini has.

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