The Disney Corporation is 100

And much like its creator, Walt Disney, the corporation is an edacious entity known for screwing over the working people and taxpayers while trying to present itself as some force for good. Not sure if Walt and his brother were always this way. Maybe they just wanted to prove that animation could be successful as feature entertainment instead of a short before everybody watched the main movie. Maybe they wanted to elevate the amusement park experience to something even more amazing than Coney Island or those scary carnivals. I guess I could find out by reading a decent biography anyone can recommend.

One thing I know with absolutely certainty, Walt behaved in the same manner as every other asshole rich person who really required the government to make his fortune. He was a fan of FDR, especially when the New Deal paid him to make cartoons to assure the public we could beat the Nazis. Then he turned into a dick Republican when the Democrats let his slaves…I mean employees unionize; Walt used his power to make free ads to promote “I’ll make the green in two” Eisenhower.

Cigarettes may have killed him and the urban legend of a frozen corpse kept him in the public mind throughout my childhood. I personally think he discovered a way to pass his dark, bigoted WASP soul into a series of CEOs by the Eighties with a touch of Pac Man. As of today, Disney owns the ABC broadcast network, it’s still unclear to me how things work with the Fox network, ESPN, other cable channels, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, Pixar, The Muppets, National Geographic and a shit ton of real estate. It may be a powerful player in streaming but sadly it’s due to them owning and just sitting on well-loved stuff. They’re generally one of the most risk-averse studios too, it’s why we’re receiving all those boring live versions of crap nobody asked for. However, our worthless, dark joke called American Democracy will always bend a knee to Disney. It’s why they needlessly extended copyrights for them in the Nineties over another generation. Thanks to Europe showing they have more spine than our Gerontocracy, Amerika may follow suit and Steamboat Willie will enter the public domain where it belongs. I doubt Disney has little to sweat. I’ve barely met any children in 30 years who like Mickey Mouse much, again, probably why they bought Marvel.

When enough Boomers die, I do hope the newer generations will break Disney up along with NewsCorp, Viacom, Comcast, Warner-Discovery, etc. I don’t think the US will last another 30 years with all these ‘too big to fail’ who ‘own too much’ brigands. And if Bob Iger doesn’t like it, he can move to Russia.

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RIP Suzanne Somers

Quite a bummer to see Suzanne pass. She was definitely one of the pretty women I first noticed as I was morphing into a Tweener! Many will mock her passing as being the spokesperson for the Thighmaster via numerous late-night ads but many forget she didn’t just disappear when ABC decided to fire her from Three’s Company for demanding a pay raise. How dare a woman, who’s the major ratings draw for a mediocre SitCom, which was an English show repurposed for ABC; Man of the House; ask for her fair share!

I can’t remember the order it went. There was Step by Step with Patrick Duffy, I think it was about a blended family and She’s the Sheriff, probably the tired trope of things being turned upside in a small community. I remembered this premise well via Carter Country.

What’s more amazing and now sad. Suzanne was seen by audiences and the TV studios as a very attractive, dare I say “hot” lady; personally I hate the term. It makes the woman into a timely commodity and many who get the moniker are not pretty on the inside nor will their looks last. The truly beautiful women of show biz have good character, I’ll divulge my list another day. Anyway, in Suzanne’s case, she was about 30 when fame, success and the cover of People happened. Many great ladies of the Seventies and earlier did. After that, over 25 is considered to be an old crone. Hollywood got gross and sickeningly obsessed with youth as the cornerstone to beauty. I’m glad Suzanne received her shot when she did yet I wish Three’s Company panned out as well as it did for John Ritter.

Thanks for everything Suzanne.

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Maybe this is why they’re retiring

Devo is on a farewell tour and it’s sad to see them leave, especially with original members Bob Casale and Alan Myers passing about a decade ago. However, given Mark and Gerald’s mindsets, they’re more likely to quit while they’re ahead. The cartoon’s joke is amusing but I’m glad it’s not terribly true. Devo regained their popularity by the Aughts when younger Gen Xers found out their faves loved them; Nirvana, Soundgarden, etc. which bled over to the Mills and hopefully Zoomers.

Now I’m thinking back to when Devo signed with Enigma Records 35 years ago, this went sour quickly. Personally, I loved Total Devo but I remember the new Music Director for WMUR, a little prick, who said, I hate Devo. Much like all those Gen Xers and Boomers who called me a faggot for liking the Spudboys probably hoped on the bandwagon over a decade ago. A few were probably at the 2011 concert. Just checked Apple Music, damn, all three of their Enigma-era material isn’t available. That just blows. It may not have been their best work compared to The New Traditionalists or Freedom of Choice, yet I’d take any day over the dreck most peers were rocking’ out to in 1988-90.

May this cartoon be fiction for a century or longer!

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My Stars lose their 2023 opener

But it’s still better than no hockey is the old cliché. At least we only lost by one despite being behind or tied the whole time. It’s going to be a rough season too. Most of the great players who won us first place in the division are gone given how the AHL’s development purpose. I’m glad to see our captain Curtis McKenzie was re-signed! Good leadership is key to a solid team. Ditto for the coaching staff.

The Stars play again tonight against the Roadrunners yet I have other plans. Then they hit the road for a small Midwest stint against Chicago and Milwaukee. Looking forward to their return against the Moose. You have to be alert with them. They always find a way to trick you into getting showered with ping pong balls.

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Shame on Texas’ politicians…if they still feel it

I would love to waste some time being on a debate show so I can point out how fucking stupid pundits and “journalists” are. I’m not necessarily smarter or the type who does their own research, believe me, I have made many mistakes and can be tricked no matter how I try (voting for Obummer and Slick Willie for their first terms). I am just tired of the trust-fund babies who think they belong to the fourth estate when they bloviate about how the Republicans being openly Fascists began with Orange Foolius. It blossomed under him because you dickheads were too busy kissing asses at Beltway cocktail parties and did not pay attention to all the fertilizer via the Tea Baggers, Darth Cheney’s “We create reality and you report it,” St. Reagan, Tricky Dick and “Nuke ’em Now” Goldwater. The roots go all the way back to the Fifties with “Tailgunner Joe” McCarthy!

Much like the German Conservatives and Aristocrats who also hated the Weimar Republic, the rank-and-file Country Clubbers of the GOP kept recruiting these rabid dogs, thinking, “Oh, we can keep them in line,” and “They’re not completely crazy.” Given the clusterfuck the House is in, ya’ think they finally realized the lunatics are in charge?

In Texas, it’s equally awful. The Texas Tribune published a list of all the shit birds who took money from a PAC that had no problem meeting with Nick Fuentes. Cue up TMBG’s “You and Your Racist Friend.” Our current Speaker, Dan Phelan, no friend of anyone left of the Center-Right, is a favorite target of the PAC and the openly corrupt elected officials who want him removed. It’s also no shock to see Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and AG Ken Paxton as the second and third (respectively) recipients of racist money. OK, they should be tied at first really.

I miss the days when these assholes weren’t so proud to accept the checks and/or could be shamed into returning the money.

I forgot to mention, before Paxton was popping champagne bottles for getting away with his crimes (c’mon FBI, don’t fuck this up), he and Patrick started their witch hunt against the Democratic minority over the impeachment. First, an audit over all the money spent to pay for the legal services. Second, a push to change the state constitution to prevent this from happening again…ever. Lastly, the Republicans who found Paxton a liability will be all challenged in the primaries next year with you guessed it, Nazi Money.

When I moved to Austin and Texas 29 years ago, I thought I was just changing my location in the three dimensions we reside in. Little did I know I would also be traveling back in the fourth (time) from 1994 to 1860 (or earlier).

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Something more Italian to celebrate today!

I finally caught up with Austin’s Conversational Italian club! It was at Kick Butt Coffee of all places. They gathered somewhat early (before noon) to have breakfast, converse and to see Lorenzo Vignando (above) perform with his ukulele and promote his awesome book…Teki. Not only is it in Italian and English, it’s well illustrated, comes with a soundtrack in both both languages and here’s the kicker for me, it references Dr. Miguel Alcubierre! He’s the Physicist who proposed a solution to FTL travel 29 years ago and Lorenzo incorporates the proposal in the premise, which is something I’ve read via Dr. Phil Plait, we send self-replicating probes to find out where to go.

It was a great time, I met other people who were very fluent, including non-Italians, got an explanation on why Italy didn’t have a unified dialect until the Fifties (it’s Florentine too) and best of all, I learned their expression for good luck, in bucco al lupo. This puzzled me the first time I heard it, “wolf mouth?” One person said, it’s often said by opera singers and their equivalent for “break a leg.” I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s derived from the legend of Romulus and Remus, the one time being raised by wolves worked out.

I am so going to the next meetup, I need more than Duolingo and pestering the few fluent people I know! Now to bug Dr. Plait about Lorenzo’s book!

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I’m on a package!

Jennifer brought home this product with my surname (cognome in Italian) on it! I’m quite popular in Mexico, Switzerland and India! Fucking Nestle owns too. Anyway, her son Mason is undergoing surgery over the weekend so he’ll be on a liquid diet while he recovers for a week. This also means he’s living with us…again. I can’t go walking around the house in the all together which is a crime against humanity in public, not sure how all those German hikers get away with it. As you can see on the label, this stuff is popular with our Spanish-speaking residents (both recent and longstanding, remember they’re the first Texans, or Texians) since the English is underneath and smaller.

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Most insulting thing to our ancestors since GEICO ads!

This photo from a French museum is not a prank done with Adobe Photoshop! It’s a real mannequin depicting a Neanderthal woman. I checked other sources, be grateful you only see “her” from the neck up.

The resemblance to a horrible Republican from Georgia is unfair too. Neanderthals were more intelligent than the expression claims, many of us have a percentage of their DNA…no wait, hmm, I’ll get back to you after 2024. They were also very caring beings, something proving there’s no connection to the asshole. Not sure what the year this representation is. I didn’t think any branch of humanity had blonde hair until our ancestors had been living in the super cold climates for a few generations or more.

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Abbott calls third session to destroy education

It’s the same old story in every state with the Republicans and shitty Democrats. The bait-and-switch plan to destroy public education, yet it’s in the Texas constitution somewhere.

With our crooked and inept AG ‘acquitted’ for his ham-fisted behavior, because he is from 1860, Abbott pulled the legislature back in to promote something they said ‘no’ to during their regular session. School Vouchers. Translation into English, privatize education since we know this has been a roaring success with prisons, healthcare, red-light cameras, toll roads and Amerika’s numerous tax dodges…I mean charities. The Republicans have been rehashing St. Reagan’s tactics to make their point, government doesn’t work, elect us and we’ll prove it. How, by refusing to spend a dime of the state’s surplus to raise salaries destroyed by inflation (both parties share the blame here), unless it’s a Big Jebus Charter or Musk’s latest con game. They’ve also made up an arbitrary ratings system that oddly gives failing grades to the ISDs in the Democratic strongholds. I guess they had to find a scapegoat for their past solution, pointless tests.

Abbott is mostly pissed and as expected, blames the Democrats, Teaching Unions, Reds, Immigrants, etc. He seriously can’t claim the Dems given his party has a supermajority in both chambers; it’s why the Senate ignored the facts about AG Paxton despite his Three Stooges-skill level at covering his tracks. Rural Republicans in the House made an weird alliance with Urban Democrats to kill the bills. Texas may be on the rise with it now having four of the 10 largest cities in the US, a still growing population; immigration and people moving from around the country. But like its hated rival, California, there are huge swaths of sparsely populated areas home to small towns, farms, ranches, mines, state parks, oil wells and satellite branches of UT and A&M. This equates tiny school districts similar to the ones I remembered in North Dakota during the Eighties. Beulah was “huge” with our 280 high school students (including eighth grade) while nearby Zap had 35-40. No bribe is big enough for these Republicans to allow the only school for possibly hundreds of miles to close; for chrissake! They’re not senators.

So the bullshit offensive is underway with words from the same playbook used in Florida, Wisconsin, Indiana, Arizona, etc. ChoiceParents’ RightsFailing Schools! Let me dissect them. Choice. The private schools choose who they let in, not you. Being private, they are openly racist, classist and prejudiced against any child with additional needs: wheelchairs, autism, dyslexia, etc. Through cherry picking, they obviously outscore public schools! To me Parents’ Rights is cover for the mostly Christo-Fascist homeschooling movement. The GOP believes they are allowed to control uteruses and History, what makes anyone believe peasants have “rights.” Failing Schools are their own creation and the voucher they’ll cut proves. Currently, the state spends around five grand per student. Abbott is claiming his plan will give parents eight grand per student. Odd how there’s suddenly an extra three if it’s spent enriching private organizations. Either amount will fall short. For example, 40 years ago, my grandma ponied up the roughly two grand so I could attend Strake Jesuit in Houston. Today, it’s over $25K. It’s an extreme case yet it rings true.

The Republicans will give enough false hope at the expense of public schools since five or eight thousand smackers is a lot of money. It’s enough to subsidized the rich who already send their kinds to posh places, the KKKristians will pocket it while brainwashing their offspring through homeschooling (there’s a whole industry stocked with inaccurate books) and the disillusioned will desperately be ripped off by all the fly-by-night charters. We all know the Republicans fall into two groups; most are rich assholes sending their legacies to the private ones who are taught facts and the true believers indoctrinate. I really hope the Rural Republicans pull through for a change.

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The Good Shepherd

Robert DeNiro’s demonstration that he can direct a story-by-numbers via this incredibly inaccurate yet fictional story on the CIA’s infancy. Being a fanatic of History, a stickler for accuracy and having an above average knowledge (for an American) of America’s inept, bumbling record at intelligence…Shepherd was complete crap. I’m hoping it was a flop. Just checked YES! It was, cost $110 million to make, crap opening weekend of under 10 and made only $100 million back worldwide. Stick to playing cranky old men, crazy people and mobsters Bobbie!

Anyway, movies are notorious for whitewashing and disinformation. Case in point, many Ugandans born after Idi Amin’s dictatorship think The Last King of Scotland is true. But I think I can sleep securely know Shepherd wasn’t seen by enough Americans to cause much damage, primarily by raising the CIA’s trustworthiness score.

The plot entails the life and career of Edward Wilson, a surrogate for real person James J Angleton. After a tragic event in his childhood, we see him being silly at Yale which leads to him being initiated into the Skull & Bones, the same inbred, secret society the Bush clan and other assholes belong to. Although Wilson loves to study poetry, his club membership and WASP DNA provide him an automatic job in the OSS when the US joins WWII, right after his shotgun wedding to a debutante he knocked up; the overrated Angelina Jolie. Our ‘hero’ is trained in counter intelligence by the MI5 while stationed in London and after the war he interrogates the numerous Germans/Austrians captured by the Allies. Meanwhile, the tensions between the Soviet Union and US ratchet up.

Fast forward to the late Forties/early Fifties. Wilson comes home after being exclusively in Europe for almost a decade. He’s a stranger to his kid, his marriage is just a relationship of convenience (they never loved each other) and now the OSS is the CIA, America’s first non-wartime, intelligence organization outside the military or State Department. Wilson deals with uppity Latin American states thinking they have a right to their assets, defectors from the Eastern Bloc, dirty tricks and the bullshit office politics, namely how the director is lining his pockets through conflicts of interest. Wilson even survives the mass firing JFK initiates after the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

I vaguely recall it wrapped up during the mid-Sixties with his son’s wedding being called off because the bride is murdered in retaliation by either the CIA or KGB. I was tuning out from boredom and annoyance with its last half hour, especially when the wrong, real-world blunders were ignored.

Shepherd is at best, a huge waste of 150 minutes. At worst, an insult to reality, History and failed PR for “the Company.” The actual person, Angleton, was a shitty person who oddly came from a more diverse background; his mother was a Mexican National from a poor family and he was a terrible student at Yale who only got into Harvard Law School through connections. Much like Ministry’s lead signer Al Jourgensen, he tried to convince others he was English with his faux accent, ashamed of being half Mexican and ‘gasp!’ Catholic! How Wilson kept his position running counter intelligence for the CIA after MI5’s Kim Philby was discovered to be a Soviet double agent proves my point on why the US and UK have the worst spy organizations; Both primarily recruit from the Ivy-league schools.

This complaint highlights why Amerika and the UK are going down the crapper; SCOTUS, Congress, the UK Parliament and the White House are packed with these dildos from Eton, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Brown, the Seven Sisters and Stanford, regardless of party or place on the political spectrum! They’re also why we got punched in throat 22 years ago, gentlemen don’t learn Arabic or other languages spoken by ‘brown’ or ‘yellow’ people. We continue to endure the disasters caused by WASP Groupthink with its Jewish, non-White and Catholic lapdogs, aka Uncle Toms.

The movie has one painful line nailing WASP sentiment which continues to permeate my homeland’s DNA and why we have a more polite, invisible caste or apartheid system. It’s paraphrased by Wilson but sadly, it’s attributed to FDR, one of my favorite leaders, warts and all. “Catholics and Jews are only guests in this country.” Obviously this racist phrase was updated to include Asians, Blacks and Latin Americans. Good luck getting it to stick to the First Nations. Nevermind how WWII was won through our diversity too. Maybe before he died, FDR like Lincoln, realized he was wrong about his past assumptions. He may have stopped having sex with Eleanor decades ago, but he did take her opinion seriously.

Another clarification Shepherd was dead wrong about. The Bay of Pigs. It didn’t fail over someone leaking. It failed for two major reasons. The first was Bautista’s flunkies (Gloria Estafan’s shit bird family being some) thinking the masses would welcome them, suddenly forgetting how awful Bautista was and Castro hadn’t been in power long enough to prove he’d be a continuation. The second didn’t require much effort for the KGB or Cuban intelligence to figure out, the invaders practically prepared in plain sight and were an open secret, like Kevin Spacey being gay 20 years ago. Castro didn’t need a mirror to read these moron’s cards because they were all face up on the table.

If you want to know the truth regarding the CIA, whose History is littered with war crimes, violations of our civil liberties, fuckups, near misses, occasional success and idiocy, read a book. I know will as I need a refresher. It’s been 30-plus years since I read a synopsis on American intelligence operations from the American Revolution to about the 1970s. If you want to see the douchenozzles as heroes, stick to obvious fiction…James Bond and all the Tom Clancy bullshit.

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A very sick cat!

When they’re not murdering birds, bugs and small mammals, cats can be pretty funny losing their dignity. Probably a farm cat who’s accustomed to all the chickens and chicks being unafraid.

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RIP Dick Butkus

What a pisser! At least I got the opportunity to meet Dick in Las Vegas some years ago and best of all, get an autographed photo for my ex-roomie and great friend Paul! He was a class act the whole time. I had forgotten about him being in The Longest Yard, one of the best football and Burt Reynolds’ movies. What made him super incredible in my personal opinion is that he grew up in Chicago, played at the University of Illinois and then got to play for the Chicago Bears; he was also drafted by the Denver Broncos a couple years before the NFL acquired the AFL. These days, a hometown favorite rarely has the chance to play the team they grew up with and love…until later in their careers when they’re free agents and let’s face it, their careers are winding down. After Dick retired from playing professional, besides some acting, commercials and sports broadcasting, he went to start a foundation to fight heart disease and teaching young athletes to train well without using performance-enhancing drugs; those things are like the Dark Side of the Force.

Thanks for everything Dick! You may have played for my team’s rival yet it’s OK. You were a good person with a good heart at a time when the NFL wasn’t a ridiculous, corporate behemoth. You had a fantastic second act in which everyone really liked you and you must have been doing something right as you made it to 80 in a profession in which many former NFL players pass away a generation earlier due to drugs and/or now CTE. If there’s any after life, you’re probably making Bart Starr nervous before the snap!

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Sorry it’s late but here’s Kaitlin’s 31 Days of Halloween ’23!

Kaitlin is a friend I see around Austin, often at comedy shows, some concerts and the two RenFaires we have! She and her husband are awesome! Every year, Kaitlin showcases a new costume every day of October. M.U.S.K.D.O.K. driving Twitter into the shitter is why she moved her awesome collection to the evil lesser, Instagram. Check it out and leave her compliments. Kaitlin is a great person and helps make Austin great!

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I didn’t get either rotation/thingy

Before you go “Awww…” and whatever. It’s not that big of a deal. There’s the upside, namely making all the sweet, sweet overtime I can rake in during the Holiday periods coming up in the US. The one I really wanted would’ve been iffy since that department tends to follow the salaried people’s schedule.

In other news, I received better information regarding what my regular gig is and it wasn’t just the money element, I was way happier to read so many kind and nice things said about the job I do.

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Check out my latest Final Cut Pro work!

This was originally shot at Dragon’s Lair which I thought was the appropriate venue but there was too much background noise when the Magic or Pokemon tournament got rollin’. Dubbing over wasn’t working out because I had ad libbed the whole thing. I’m not Robin Williams so I seriously couldn’t get everything to sync up!

I capitulated to Kathy’s request to reshoot at home. In exchange, she brought her awesome green screen, maybe to teach me how to use Final Cut Pro’s chroma key ability? I like how we utilized the effect to make this funnier and “cheap” looking. Then we made the music to get around YouTube’s Copyright Nazi software to prove Artificial Intelligence isn’t smart enough; once again proving how the Corporate-based Media is crying wolf in general.

We did it all on a GoPro 7 in HD (1080p). Edited down with Final Cut Pro on a MacBook Pro 16″ M1. Same for the special effects and lettering. Recorded the music with my iPhone Pro 13. For all you Apple Haters, please, prove you can do this with your craptacular PCs or Surfaces, let alone within three hours.

Signor Gufo and others will return in the near future.

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