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Tag Archives: Clothes
Check out what I got for Xmas ’22 already!
Pretty bitchin’ new jacket I received from my good friend and co-producer Kathy! It’s in my ultra-fave color (orange) so I have to keep it away from the “children” or else it will cat-fur-colored! Is that velour? No, American Domestic … Continue reading
Well, that explains why I’m only middle class
It certainly explains what Elon Musk must be doing with Twitter. I know it’s not clothing from con-artist-douche extreme Kanye, he’s too cheap to use color or an interesting font. Having been a teenager in the Eighties, I can vouch … Continue reading
A demonstration of Jennifer’s Texan-ess or -any?
This is a recent addition Jennifer picked up during her recent vacation to Padre but it’s a bummer she bought this in Mexico. You’d think a belt buckle as impressive as this could be found through Texas! Namely at the … Continue reading
My main gifts from Jennifer
Pretty spiffy! One of the nicest shirts I’ve ever received and I can dress up in style like Joe Bob Briggs! However, I cannot be but a tad worried that Jennifer is trying to countrify me. I am a Yankee … Continue reading
Inspirational socks!
Picked these up at Waterloo Records. The first pair had a unicorn, therefore I had to get them for my friend Rev. Kathy R, that’s her spirit animal. Now the other pair were for me. I’m not feeling pessimistic nor … Continue reading
American Apparel
Yesterday when I arrived home from work, there was a package at the door. My annual order of $100-worth of T-shirts from American Apparel! When I stumbled upon these guys back in 2003 through Mother Jones or one of those … Continue reading