We own 26% of the house!

I haven’t posted one of these stories in two years but we did it! After re-financing with University Federal Credit Union to punish the dirtbags at Wells Fargo, we managed to get the balance past the 25 percent point and into new territory. There are times Somara is all negative about re-financing to lower the monthly payment, claiming the mortgage amount would be significantly less. True, yet I prefer the lower, half-as-much payment which also aided us in buying two new cars and paying off student loans over the last decade. Thanks to the arrangement through the credit union, these days, over 40 percent of what we pay back is principle.

It’s not all sunshine. Due to Austin’s growing popularity, the property taxes have been jacked almost 10 percent over the last two years. If Travis County thinks my house is worth what they’re taxing it, then I need to give them a tour of the neighborhood behind me alongside some of the tweaks Chez Maggi needs to carry it into the 2020s.

I still prefer this living arrangement. You lose so much money via apartments. Maybe not as much as you used to because the expense of setting up a new phone line has gone away, one upside of cell phones. The back pain element is another matter I will never miss.

Onward to 27, 28 and maybe 29 percent in 2019! Oh yeah, and another middle finger to those shitbags at Wells Fargo who should be in prison but this is America, where White Collar thugs are no longer punished as per the wishes of NeoLiberal pussies.

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