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Monthly Archives: August 2019
Dental Work #5: touch-up cleaning
Progress on repairing my teeth is continuing. There was another round of cleaning to make sure there was progress. Well? Oh, yeah, things are improving everywhere but the back teeth which are a pain to brush and reach. If us … Continue reading
1969: Monty Python’s Flying Circus begins
According to their Twitter feed, the guys behind this legendary show got started with their writing, rehearsing and eventual airing of the program that would influence comedy throughout the English-speaking world…SNL, The Kids in the Hall, SCTV, The Simpsons, The … Continue reading
One evil Koch brother dead, another to go
How the obits still brought up David Koch’s self-centered, bullshit “philanthropy” which is meaningless because his family has jeopardized the world for money, the one thing that couldn’t stop him from dying eventually. Besides, all these rich assholes donating to … Continue reading
Fry’s dog Seymour spotted!
It is unknown if he or his owner (someone related to Mr. Panucci) were singing “Walking on Sunshine” during their daily constitutional.
Had to fight a cold over the weekend
My recent lack of posts wasn’t sadness or anything negative I couldn’t control, just my health dropping out a tad warning me about having too much fun: The B-52’s 40th Anniversary show (more one day) and then the following night … Continue reading
Two thousand miles for 2019!
Not everything in the soon to be smaller, more resilient Maggi Republic is bad news. Today, I succeeded in passing the 2000-mile in a year mark on the indoor bike as per my spreadsheet tracking all exercise since 2011. Pretty … Continue reading
So what’s with the mid-month header change?
After 20 years together and 16 years of marriage, Somara has asked to call it quits. Why? A gazillion reasons why on both sides and in some ways I was too cowardly to ask for this as my birthday present … Continue reading
Feel the radioactive slapshot of the Isotopes!
Thanks again to Geeky Jerseys, my Simpsons-based Springfield Isotopes was customized and made a reality. I think the maker has done it before but this time I was on top of it! The hardest part was picking a name and … Continue reading
Another bird collides into my car in one year
I have no idea why it happened either time. Maybe birds have a thing against the Prius. Maybe birds have a thing against me. No, Tippi Hedren wasn’t my passenger. Yet again another made a kamikaze-like dive into my car. … Continue reading
RIP: Kip Addotta
Kip was only a household name to fans of Dr. Demento and maybe anyone who caught the syndicated show Make Me Laugh. He first came to my attention while living in Indiacrapolis when the rock station responsible for not-funny Bob & Tom … Continue reading
Dental Work #3 & #4: New fillings
The progress on repairing/rebuilding my teeth had to take a pause due to scheduling with the dentists and I forgot to mention the right side getting fillings while I was patching the “time holes” in the site. Today though was … Continue reading
Harley’s first set of mpg stats are in
With the iPhone app Road Trip always takes the second fill up to be of any use when you buy a new car because I can’t remember why it doesn’t calculate the dealer’s gratis tank, doesn’t matter, the car’s computer … Continue reading
A like-minded fan!
Only diehards know why six is the magic number with INXS. Anyone besides me and the car’s owner in the loop?
Booksmart: Worth seeing, actually funny
Two quick things about Booksmart, put aside the nonsense plug saying from the people behind the unfunny movies Superbad or Sausage Party, this is actually good, clever and humorous. The other was how Olivia Wilde is a better director than actress. Admittedly, the … Continue reading
Belated birthday gift on display! Weird Al in 3-D!
Weird Al brought this old shirt back into production thanks to Stranger Things 3‘s Dustin wearing it. Quick aside, NO SPOILERS, I’m rewatching the whole show from the beginning and I don’t want to know what happened this season yet! Kristin … Continue reading