You may not recall his name, but Gregory was a frequent guest or recurring cast member in my SitComs I grew up with. The main one was Barney Miller as a detective who had to live with killing a suspect in self-defense. He left after the first season I think as the cat was still trying to gel into most people remember. The last movie I remember him being in was Vampire$ as a weak-minded Catholic priest the heroes brought along in their raid. Go to his page, you’ll see he appeared in all the heavy hitters of the Seventies: Sanford and Son, Gunsmoke, Columbo, Soap, Hawaii Five-O and Kung Fu. Pretty cool that was in a couple movies I like from the period, Peter Sellers’ remake of The Prisoner of Zenda and Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
Sadly, Gregory passed away on the same day as Tanya Roberts but the news didn’t make the rounds for a couple weeks. I’m guessing he had retired as his appearances drop off by the year 2000.
Thanks for everything Gregory! Sure, you were typecast as a cop but it was always a pleasure to see you playing a different role when spotted!
I remember Gregory’s character on Barney Miller
I’ve watched a few old episodes that randomly appear on cable. Its’ weird to see the Twin Towers in the intro.