March ’22 edition of The Stupid! How it burns!

This masterpiece of Amerikan Exceptionalism (aka Ignorance) was spotted by the great and lovely Holly Frey of Stuff You Missed in History Class. Holly threw in the comment on how she must resist the urge to engage this MAGAt at the grocery store, confront his moronic and willfully hateful statement on his fat back.

I’ve said before and I will until I die, I wish the strain were nastier and deadlier so it killed more dumb people while scaring the fence-sitters, who are equally culpable, including Jon Stewart (engage Joe Rogan my ass!). People such as this asshole remind me of all the Right-leaning schmucks I’ve dealt with all my adult life who love to throw the Communist accusation around…as if it’s radioactive these days, ha! Firstly, they wouldn’t know Communism even if it bit them on their fat, complacent, NASCAR-watching asses. I will always remembered the pimply-faced teen Libertarian with dog-eared summaries (that agreed with him) of The Federalist Papers in hand. When I told him how the US Constitution is a living document (experts agree, due to the numerous Amendments which have followed since ratification), he paused and then called me a Communist. What a mental midget and prick. It’s been over a decade, I suspect he still lives at home because Alex Jones takes most of his wages via bone broth and boner pills this loser won’t need, if Natural Selection works as it should. It’s probably too late for the fat bastard in the picture above and he has reproduced.

I just can’t wait to see some doofus wearing this along with the “Let’s Go Brandon” shit at the next Sherwood Forest or other neutral public event.

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