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Monthly Archives: March 2023
Shhh…nobody tell the snails!
Given LEGO’s newfound popularity, I hope these snails have saved up since they’ll be paying Austin real estate rates…if they’re lucky.
Evil MoPac delivers the annual jokes!
Evil MoPac should update the free space though, Elijah moved away years ago. Several squares will sadly be true year round, especially the not funny Joe Rogan opening his comedy venue at the old Ritz Theater, where the best Alamo … Continue reading
Why Austin can’t have nice things, March ’23
From the GOP, you know, the party of less government interference…unless you have a uterus. As expected, they’re going to destroy our light rail expansion since it will interfere with the lobbyists they take money from: car dealerships, Big Oil and … Continue reading
President Camacho to the rescue!
Given the two horrible, crappy choices next year…same as every year…red bag of shit or blue bag of shit, I will be voting for Camacho since he traveled back in time to run! Not a bad cameo at this year’s … Continue reading
How I wish I could participate
One of the assholes who has pushed Amerika in the wrong direction thanks to St. Reagan’s FCC allowing his right-wing hatred to be on the public airwaves as “entertainment.” Hitler and his lieutenants are proud. I need to ask my … Continue reading
Blueberry milk is back!
No this is not the weird “blue” milk from Star Wars. What you see is a real product via HEB and some (relatively) local farms. I’ve been hooked on 1836 Farms stuff since last Fall, namely their chocolate and coffee offerings. … Continue reading
Republicans demonstrating their lack of shame March 2023
I love the GOP’s chutzpah on how they want to make sure any areas where they won’t win are disenfranchised. This bullshit move is their latest since we know what they’re really thinking…college students won’t vote for us because educated non-Republicans … Continue reading
To be fair, this isn’t behavior exclusive to male cats with orange-colored fur. At Jennifer’s place, the nuisance cat was Cody until she passed and in my old household, it was Nemo because he was at the bottom of the … Continue reading
Musk wants to build a “company town,” not a Utopia
It’s been making the rounds all day in the news. Obviously Musk’s perfect place would never be anywhere close to Austin, even the NeoLiberal city government doesn’t legally back slavery. So he’s bought property around Bastrop, a somewhat distant ‘burb with … Continue reading
Why I don’t fear Artificial Intelligence
Despite the people at the forefront of the technology being greedy sociopaths, AI has a long way to go before it becomes anything like Skynet or Demon Seed. Think about this. When is the last time have you had a call routed … Continue reading
I really wanted to see this to scratch a mental itch and what my friends told me was pretty correct, if you’ve seen Goodfellas, there’s little reason to see Casino. It demonstrated how Marty has little right to criticize others, especially when … Continue reading
Good gravy! COVID-19 is still around in other ways
I still got off light compared to the one million (and counting) dead around the world. But damn, it’s pretty embarrassing over how easily I am winded just walking from my car in the parking lot to my cubicle at … Continue reading
Generation of Sociopaths by Bruce Gibney
The first in what I hope will be a trilogy of books I will be finishing about the end of the Baby Boomers/Boomers overstaying their welcome in about every aspect of American life. Entertainment, I can live with. Music? Depends. … Continue reading
Dilbert had overstayed its welcome anyway
I wonder if Scott Adams will go on to be textbook a case of someone getting sucked into the Right-Wing idiocy, e.g. the Q-Anon craziness? Of course, I have no recollection or knowledge of his viewpoints back in the Nineties … Continue reading
COVID-19 is over and its aftermath
Finally tested negative by mid-week but then COVID-19 appeared to leave me a gift, as it seems to do to people over 40 or is it 50? I had been experiencing chest pains on my left side near the end. … Continue reading