Behind the Bastards covers one of my nemeses

I was laughing so hard because I’ve dealt with numerous motherfuckers who think they’re entitled to the front. For I have met many of this Bastard’s descendants and a few got well-deserved elbows in the face. As my friend (and ex-wife) Somara once said to a couple of them at Devo, “If you want to be closer! Show up earlier!” Then she gave them a great big shove forcing them back. I think one fell down too. Those three bitches at Elle King were definitely great granddaughters.

What I love is the photo of that asshole we’ve all met, next to the dildos with their phones out to record the whole concert; he’s tall, rude and just a little too into it. The bracelet is noticeable, I wouldn’t be surprised if this stock photo was taken at one of Austin’s annual gatherings of rude assholes (mostly from California and NYC), SXSW or ACL Fest. But the majority are clearly under 30 so it’s more likely something they find more attractive. It’s definitely from the past due to the lack of cell phones, beards and male haircuts from the Roaring Twenties and Depression.

Lastly, I believe we need a contract or an enforced code of conduct on concert attendance. I know they’ll never remove the booze, a huge factor in spreading assholism, due to profit. What we need is a pact with the enforcement means to maintain civility, making people put their fucking phones away to be in the moment (and not ruin the short people’s view), no children unless it’s They Might be Giants, Weird Al or the Aquabats and we all get to beat down the idiot yelling “Free Bird!”

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1983: Dungeons & Dragons debuts on CBS Saturday Mornings

What a dumb (and somewhat brave) move by CBS TV and TSR to go forward with this Saturday-Morning cartoon. Brave? Dumb? It was in the middle of the moronic Satanic Panic so anything associated with D&D, especially a show aired when 90% of the audience are children fueled the idiocy.

However, I was now 15 when it debuted and it was late enough in the schedule I could get up in time to see all the cool things I loved about the game come to life. The idiocy wasn’t limited to the KKKristians afraid of Satan worship through a game fueled by imagination. Dungeons & Dragons had to conform to the core demographic (kids under 12 I think) so all the annoying tropes plaguing cartoons in the Eighties were on full display.

  1. No actual violence: e.g. I think Cobra was defeated through bankruptcy given all the expensive vehicles they lost.
  2. An annoying animal sidekick yet not as funny nor amusing as Scooby Doo.
  3. It was supposed to help sell toys. On the latter, Gygax’s asshole ego torpedoed this with Mattel (He-Man) and the LJN versions were far from…well, good.
  4. Lazy personality types: the loudmouth coward, the smart naive one, etc.
  5. Characters who don’t exist in the source material: Venger? Dungeonmaster or as I remember him, Discount Yoda.

I still watched it and we all talked about it the next Monday at school, for me, just Clear Creek; I had lost interest by the time we moved to Indiacrapolis. It didn’t all suck. Seeing Lloth and Tiamat animated as threats were cool. Besides, there wasn’t much else to go on. The Fantasy movie fad in Hollywood was petering out since Conan, Krull, Dragonslayer, Excalibur and The Beastmaster didn’t make obscene profits. All the cheap T&A dreck…Deathstalker, The Sword & the Sorcerer and Sorceress didn’t help. Special effects were expensive and had a long, long way to go before the kick-ass The Lord of the Rings trilogy delivered. I’m glad Peter Jackson kept up with the practical instead of being completely dependent on digital.

Today I don’t mind the cartoon. The show’s bible was put together by the great comic book writer Mark Evanier and the primary characters live on via inside jokes. My personal fave is from Gumball with Roger (the dad) running a game with the family and he’s made up to resemble Dungeonmaster.

Given the game’s newfound popularity and the property of one of the three largest toy makers on Earth (Hasbro), I figure the last movie’s modest success at the box office may result in a new cartoon. Disney+ manages new Star Wars stuff with computer graphics, why not D&D?

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…and Texas once again proves it’s still 1860 here

Despite overwhelming evidence that AG Ken Paxton is a guilty piece of crap who abused his office to protect a political donor, the Texas Senate, dominated by MAGA Republicans, acquitted this shit bird on every count. Equally evil Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, no, not the cool guy from ESPN, this old far who resembles the Red Skull with a cheap toupée, lectured the Texas House. He’s going to audit all their expenses in prosecuting Paxton and demand the state constitution be changed to prevent this from happening again.

Seems, Texas has the same damned problem as the Feds. Impeachment got hijacked into being a political process as the definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors” changed from how it was understood in the late 18th and early 19th Century. Not being a fan of the stupid Originalist interpretation via the Founders but I’m pretty confident Madison would say it applies to Tricky Dick, Girth Vader, to some extent Slick Willie and absolutely with Paxton.

The other flaw is allowing the Senate be the jury. Oh they’re Paxton’s peers as he used to be a member and his wife keeps the seat warm, no conflict of interests though. When it comes to being corrupt turds, they’re definitely peers. Hence, we need a real jury of people free of the political fealty. We know the Republicans would be against this. Average people would convict Girth Vader and Tricky Dick and probably acquit Slick as they ask, he lied to cover up gettin’ some on the side, at least he wasn’t doin’ it with an enemy agent who is now buried in a golf course for tax purposes!

It’s even more embarrassing to live in Texas and be an American now. Compared to how our counterparts in the EU go after their slime, we are joke with nuclear weapons and a big army and navy. As Dave Anthony said, we just legalized their corruption. Oh, right on cue, the impotent Democrats sent fundraising e-mails within an hour of the verdicts.

Let’s hope the FBI doesn’t fuck this up as their investigation widens. The Texas Senate and governors can’t protect Paxton then.

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1963: The first cat in space!

Last week, I forgot to write about the first feline who went to space after a dog and I figure a couple chimps or monkeys.

The kitty’s name was Félicette, one of many strays rounded up from Paris and drafted into France’s space program. She went on to be the only cat ever sent beyond what is classified as the borderline between our atmosphere and space (100 km/62 miles); Félicette went 154km, setting the record for cats too!

She landed safely back on Earth but sadly, Félicette was euthanized after two months for an autopsy to see if going to space did anything to her anatomy. Obviously it didn’t! If she could’ve reproduced, they should’ve let her, then Félicette would have descendants to carry on her legacy. She finally got her overdue recognition in 2019! The International Space University at Strasbourg dedicated a statue to Félicette (shown above); I was hoping the globe she sits on would be much larger.

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September ’23 is half over, so let’s have a joke!

As the current Hulu run of Futurama is nearing the end of its first season, I need to watch it all over again (the season, not the whole show) and make sure they’ve kept this up. This reminds me about how my Mooching Crayfish jersey should be appearing any day now!

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Jennifer is on vacation, I’m interviewing!

This morning, Jennifer headed out for a somewhat annual family vacation to South Padre Island. You could say it’s her Las Vegas. Tagging along are the usual crew: her mom, her two adult children, the daughter’s boyfriend and her friend John. Why didn’t I go? I lack vacation time currently (thanks IRS) plus this is a family matter. Wait, the boyfriend and John aren’t related. They’ve been in Jennifer’s circle much longer than me and it’s OK. We hope to go somewhere, just the two of us, in March. I’ll have extra time to tackle other matters anyway.

As for the interview, boy did I have to cram! I only knew it was scheduled yesterday. No sweat. I did some decent homework to prepare. What is it? Oh, my employer has a course or training thing for those interested in management. And before you go…

  • I thought you were through with that after some bad experiences a decade ago!
  • You’ve already done pseudo management twice before in your 24 years there!

With the first point, there has been some philosophical changes in the leadership as well as different people. They reviewed my work thus far and asked me to apply. I responded with thank you but no thank you while explaining why I wasn’t interested, namely on how it turned sour. Besides, I like what I do more now and I’m more useful this way. After some convincing that the rationale for the rejections I experienced were no longer valid nor would be considered, I said. OK, I’ll do it.

Since I went into the interview knowing there would be no guarantees on certain things, namely being promoted, and even answered in the written application, I’m good with the possibility I will never be a manager; I did the best I could and regardless of the outcome, I had a fun time talking, laughing and making the two interviewers laugh. It is funny. When you have nothing to lose, those are the greatest interviews.

I do have another for a different department which is equally prestigious. It’s delayed since they’re continuing to take applicants until the end of the week. This is going to require way more studying and preparing.

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Google Fiber’s first hiccup and it wasn’t their fault

I made the shift last month and have never looked back after 20-plus years of enduring AT&T. It was perfect until Monday night when it went down while I was watching TV. I let it be because it was getting close to bed time and Tuesday was going to be nuts with all the car stuff. I did double check everything I could control on Tuesday morning but nothing changed so I contacted Google. The earliest appointment with a Tech was the following morning. I took it and scheduled a half-day from work.

Wednesday (today) is trash day and while I was moving the container to the curb, I finally found the problem. Some asshole opened the Google Fiber box and disconnected the two transceivers. I felt super, super stupid. I failed to understand the red light on the port in the kitchen (optical) to be the box. My service rebounded immediately after plugging the two transceivers back in. The Tech was kind enough to test both pieces of hardware to ensure no damage and then he locked down the fiber box.

Who? How? What? I have no idea nor clue. It could’ve been the nearby teenagers being teenagers since their moral compasses continue to be a work in progress. I dread it’s the next door neighbor I reported to the city for watering outside the restricted times given we’re at Stage Two for the drought; it did rain today though.

If this is the worst my Google Fiber experience gets, I stand by it to the ends of the Earth. Meanwhile, AT&T is bugging me about their hardware they’re too stupid to pick up from their store.

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Busy day with my car

Scheduled this whole day which is probably why Mr. Cook said, oh, I’ll do my annual Fall announcements then! No, I had no clue when he chooses those dates, nor the products, it’s life in a call center, you’re the last to know since leakers are lurking everywhere.

I used a vacation day to finally get my car’s tags. I procrastinated too much last Summer and blew it for online. However, I was lucky for a change. I managed to cruise around for a year without getting busted by the fuzz. What I’d give for an equivalent streak at the craps table while I have sixes and eights, odds behind point and a hard eight for the hell of it! When this July rolled around, I tried again. Nope, it said I had to show up in person.

Now I’ll cut to the chase because it was a good experience and here’s why:

  • Despite requiring the inspection first, my dealership had an opening around noon! I go with them because hybrids still are a mystery to the generic shops.
  • I lucked out on getting more gas in the tank before it jumped 40 cents/gal by the afternoon or 11 cents/liter.
  • I only had to pay for July 2023-24. I told the clerk, but I’m expecting to pay the year I missed. They said Travis County doesn’t have the means to collect it. Enjoy your free year. I told them, talk to the IRS, they get every penny.
  • Waiting at the Nelda Spears Wells building is great! They’ll call your number by text on your phone while you’re recharging your phone browsing on free WiFi.

The last bullet point demonstrates how a key function is operated very well by the “deep state” and doesn’t require a private corporation to carry it out…at twice the cost.

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1973: Chilean President Allende overthrown

While the US mourns the punch in the throat it received because an inbred, Ivy-League Legacy didn’t want his August vacation interrupted by an intelligence briefing, the rest of the world remembers a different anniversary.

On this day 50 years ago, President Salvador Allende’s legitimately elected government was pushed out by its murderous military. This led to at least two decades of terror for the people during the inhumane Pinochet dictatorship. He had hundreds of political enemies murdered and thousands tortured. Oh, General Augusto Pinochet stepped down in 1990 but he made sure he had a permanent senatorial seat, in case this new democracy got some crazy ideas again. Plus he pardoned himself, evading justice all the way to his death in the UK from cancer.

It all happened thanks to Tricky Dick, Kissinger the War Criminal and our bumbling CIA (it still is). Pinochet continued to receive support via numerous other “freedom fighters” like England’s Maggie Thatcher, St. Reagan and obviously the corrupt Bush Dynasty. To Republicans, Tories, cowardly Democrats and other right-wingers, what’s a few thousand dead innocents to keep the Soviet Union from having a naval base in Santiago? Hell, it was even OK for Chilean agents aided by anti-Castro Cuban thugs to murder Allende’s former ambassador Orlando Letelier via car bomb in DC circa 1976. An American citizen was also killed and others injured. The CIA knew and allegedly Kissinger rescinded the Chilean plan. Not likely, he probably green lit it despite them doing this in the nation’s capital.

So why did we bother? Salvador Allende was a Socialist but given Amerika’s blatant idiocy and lazy corporate-owned media, the connotation equals Soviet Communist. Allende was critical of the US’s bullying and interference; how dare the Chileans have a right to their own destiny! He gave Tricky Dick the finger by having Fidel Castro visit too. Regardless of the Cuban dictator’s awfulness, many in Latin and South America admire his success at continuing to be a nuisance with the inept CIA. However, the final straw was Allende’s plans to nationalize Chile’s resources and other things…they own. American and European corporations screamed “Communism!” Chile’s right wingers/thugs with CIA aid climbed out from under their rocks and pulled off a military coup. Allende killed himself when the siege at his office was going to end in his arrest, and likely execution.

In the aftermath, numerous, stupid Chilean Liberals cooperated thinking, “I have nothing to hide nor anything to worry about.” I’m sure many had this carved on their gravestones as their epitaphs. Pinochet obviously tightened his iron grip on Chile and destroyed the economy via the University of Chicago assholes’ free-market a la Milton Friedman’s wet dream. These douche nozzles never grow tired of being wrong as they tried to implement it on Iraq in 2003 and New Orleans in 2006. Fearing a coup against him, Pinochet quickly fired the Chicago Boys by the Eighties and restored many policies the Socialists initiated.

Today, Chile and its people continue to remember how they lost their democracy thanks to American and European greed. I do hope they’re on better footing while the US needs a big kick in the ass to correct our sham of a system.

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Packers win opener against the Bears (2023)

I was one of the voices pushing to ditch or trade of Aaron Rodgers a season earlier and just endure the losing season while Jordan Love improves. When I saw this year’s opener being against the Bears and in Chicago, I knew my socialist team was in for an ass kicking, so I decided not to bother watching. I’m not a diehard plus I was feeling rather tired, I found the nap to be a better use of my time.

I checked the score around dinner time, wow. They won by a pretty good margin. I think the remainder will be pretty meh which is for the best. If they have a losing season and don’t make the playoffs, it’s a smart plan. This new setup needs time to gel like a band or a staff of writers. Then the following season will get them an easier schedule to prep them for bigger, nastier challenges.

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Summer ’23 Fosters left

A little sad tonight because the Summer ’23 foster kittens left today. They were reunited with their other siblings and I think their mother. My friend whose name is also Summer, has homes for them lined up when they get a tad older, less spicy. I didn’t have any luck getting the Tux Sisters to trust me enough to be my buddies. Agamemnon and Klothos are already lonely as they’ve been looking for them. I was making some progress when I woke up yesterday morning to see the cuddle puddle near my feet. If you can’t make it out well, the Tux sisters are hanging out by Aggie while he pets Klothos.

This will be it for cats during the remainder of 2023. We are now getting ready via a two-pronged situation. One, Klothos getting bigger and heavier. The other, when Chaos, Jen’s new Maine Coon arrives in October.

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Nightmare Alley

Quick warning before you read or watch this 2021 movie COVID-19 ruined! Guillermo del Toro may be the director; it has Lovecraftian title and appearance (the dark colors, the Art Deco designs); and many del Toro regulars in the cast…but I assure you, this is a Film Noir take by the great Mexican Horror director. I kept waiting for Doug Jones to show up in a rubber suit to terrorize the characters or provide a twist, nope. Alley was still pretty good and it was a slightly nice change of pace just like his contributions to The Hobbit.

The plot revolves around this horrible person named Stanton (he proves it in the first ten minutes) who joins a traveling carnival during the Depression as a roustabout (what they called day laborers in old-timey slang). Since Stanton sticks around unlike most, the core members take him under their wings to teach him how their livelihoods actually work. He gets promoted to scan the crowds for marks (suckers) to help out Zeena the Seer’s show.

After a while, he decides to hit the road with co-worker/girlfriend Molly to utilize all he’s learned from Zeena and her partner Pete’s psychic act. Within a couple years, the duo have a very comfortable, successful night club act in New York. They’re quite popular amongst the city’s rich and famous. However, there’s an audience member named Dr. Lilith Ritter who is a psychiatrist. Most attendees are just entertained yet some believe Stanton has an actual gift as they seek him out after shows for additional information. Ritter thinks he’s a bullshit artist and plans to expose him as a fraud. Stanton takes this as a challenge which leads to them teaming up for more nefarious…grifts.

I’ll stop there. Anything further would be a spoiler. Overall, I did enjoy it even if del Toro didn’t have the carnival harboring some Old Ones or being a front for a scary cult. I caught it on Hulu which doesn’t have the rights any longer. I’m confident you’ll find it on HBO unless the uber greedy Zaslav removed it to screw over the striking actors. Alley should go on to be part of Film Noir’s canon under the Bad People Doing Bad Stuff to Other Horrible People; like Double Indemnity.

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HasLab/Hasbro will go forward with The Ghost!

They did it! In anticipation for Ahsoka which included the return of three characters from Rebels, Hasbro issued this kickstarter-like offer at San Diego, I think. The 11-year-old me exploded with glee! It’s the perfect companion to go with the Falcon I wasted my stimulus money on! After I scraped up what I could spare, I chipped in. Enough people waited until the last day too so we all get our Ghosts with Hera, Ezra, Kanan and Zeb! Now to count the days until it ships next Fall. Given my age, I will not be running around the house, dodging imaginary asteroids or pursuing TIE fighters.

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Received an e-mail from my past self today

It was quite a surprise this morning when I received something from because  I completely forgot I wrote and sent it! Santo Cielo! I had been in a crappy place too. I do remember still struggling with the aftermath of COVID-19 but what a difference half a year and good people can make! So thanks everybody for contributing.

Going to some kick-ass movies and concerts this Summer helped.

I highly recommend the site, write yourself and e-mail and see how things have improved or send yourself some cheer.

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RIP Gary Wright

This guy definitely made one of the tunes that defined the Seventies. What blew my mind was Gary being an American! I always thought he was from the UK given the vocals and subject matter. My concert bud Mark said he often played keyboards for George Harrison, another factor. Nope, he was an American through and through, born in New Jersey too.

Other little pieces of trivia for him, his hit “Dream Weaver.” It was originally written on and for guitar. Good thing he gave this song a try on a synthesizer! Most people remember it being used to humorous effect in Wayne’s World as Garth sees his dream girl. This was not the original 1975 recording, Gary re-recorded it specifically for the movie and he said he was glad he did, the royalty payment rate was higher!

Thanks for everything Gary!

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