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Tag Archives: Mental State
Another nice weekday off!
It all worked out pretty well today after working on a Sunday. Had to see my doctor for the six-week check-in, so no need to schedule time off from work and then I took in a movie, review pending! First … Continue reading
Doctor said sane for the rest of ’23!
Last doctor visit for the year and I’m feeling pretty good. It was then great to have the doctor’s seal of approval on it. Now if I could just get the better feelings to spread to others where and when … Continue reading
I’ve taken some time off from life in general; work, my hobbies, my routine, etc. to reflect on whether or not to keep going forward with life, the universe and everything. I was in a pretty awful, awful mood in … Continue reading
After 32 years of this and 25 online, I have decided to give up and say, FUCK THIS! It has mostly been throwing thousands of messages in a bottle with little response. Few of if anyone gives a shit given … Continue reading
Another good doctor visit and discussion about CBD
My sanity wasn’t exactly in question lately although I have been feeling angrier and more irritable. I blame it on how the GOP and Dems continue to be fucking useless as the world burns. Either way, we had a productive … Continue reading
Doctor and therapist say I’m still “sane” for early 2022!
A good double whammy for the Spring! Especially since personal matters are going well, work is…work, that’s why it isn’t called fun, especially with the pandemic. The bigger, ongoing concern was in the last session with my therapist, she wants … Continue reading
The Doctor has declared me “sane” for the holiday stretch!
It wasn’t as if the outcome was in doubt but I like to make sure I make my appointment with my doctor, let him know I am getting better. Better at powering through all the crap cold medicine throws my … Continue reading
How some advice feels
I’m not ridiculing my therapist because she is an expert and is doing the best she can yet some days when I’m told the platitude as shown above, I don’t feel much better thanks to a sense of being overwhelmed. … Continue reading
How non-empathetic people deal with illness
Not that Depression is ever gone be it a mental state or the Republicans driving the World Economy into the ditch every generation. But despite the Pandemic, I’m feeling pretty decent because the worst of everything surrounding the divorce is … Continue reading
Matters are looking a little better as February ends
This was probably the worst February and Leap Month I’ve been through in a while. It has ended on a cautiously optimistic note. How so? I’m getting out of the house. I’m making little bits of progress on the living … Continue reading
Life is progressing, I think
Had a bit of a relapse with the cold and other crap because for some damned reason January gets me down and all somewhat. Nevermind that the first three days of February are always a triumph on many levels. I … Continue reading
Things are better than I thought
Well, at least that’s what my therapist told me. Especially in light of the good news on the house’s foundation, the refinancing finally hitting the home stretch, the anticipated monthly payment being acceptable (I feared it would be close to … Continue reading
Life is pretty good so far
Last night was my employer’s end of the year party. I had a pretty good time and took a plus-one guest since I didn’t want it to go to waste. This person was pretty cool, hope we get to hang … Continue reading
One hundred days against Baba Yaga!
FINALLY! I managed to get through the day 100 times without becoming seriously ill or contracting a serious case of the fuckits. Getting across the finish line this week was relatively easy since Thanksgiving puts America closer to the slash … Continue reading