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Monthly Archives: April 2018
Ultimate Equipment
Equipment is the most useful and a favorite reference book. Inside are hundreds of items, even non-magical. Since it’s very thorough, for my game, it is the de facto source for gear, overruling the Core Rulebook and (I think) GMG. The bulk of … Continue reading
Texas vulture/buzzard sighting
You usually spot them on the road, eating the roadkill. Not sure why this vulture or buzzard is hanging out way up there. It’s unlikely a dead squirrel could be found between two business offices. Still pretty cool to see … Continue reading
The rebuttal I’ve been waiting for!
Often I find myself holding down my vomit when I see SUVs with large stick-figure families on the back door. My personal prejudice also envisions them being frequent attendees at the local godbarns, trying to push Austin into their hypocritical … Continue reading
Surprise visit from Christina!
We should’ve had our picture taken for this post! Drat! Never mind, I was thrilled to have a last-minute, surprise visit from my friend Christina! We go back to the days of Dynamic Graphics in the early Nineties. Since she’s … Continue reading
Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box
This will be quick since this is a product I’ve never bought nor have given much thought. The basic box game comes with pawns to get people started and I’m figuring this product helps continue. I personally prefer minis but … Continue reading
Bananas, still funny despite it being made by a pervert
Another Hulu gem I grabbed before it expired and since the last time I watched it, I was a Tweener back in Springfield, IL, so the early Eighties on HBO probably. I wanted to see if the humor held up … Continue reading
Happy Tabletop Day 2018
Today is the second big Holy Nerd Day, after RSD comes the celebration of boardgames be they new (No Thank You Evil), contemporary (Settlers of Catan) or old standbys (Risk, Clue and Monopoly). It is nice to see newer games rise up … Continue reading
Player Character Folio
As I go through all the Paizo/Pathfinder materials in chronological order, it is rather odd that they never published any kind of character sheets right away. This they’ve “corrected” for StarFinder. Plus, one thing I know from my brief year in … Continue reading
Sherwood Forest Faire ’18
I think I will be writing about the recent past for a while since I am continuously having a good time and failing to get these events posted in relative time, unless it’s somebody famous passing away. One exception is … Continue reading
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle: Rental or Streaming
My initial reservation with Jumanji: Welcome was it being a reboot. It turned out to be something equally worrisome, a sequel. In its defense, the team behind Welcome did an excellent job in updating the premise and execution; the board game transforms … Continue reading
RIP Bob Dorough
Sad to see that he passed away earlier this week. I will never be able to thank him enough too. If you grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons in the Seventies, Bob’s idea was mandatory viewing on ABC…more like, those … Continue reading
Posted in Astronomy, History, Math, Music, Science & Technology, TV
Tagged Celebrity Obituary, Seventies
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First Soylent week conclusion, moving on to second
My first week with Soylent has ended in a mixed way. Due to the Moontower Comedy Fest, I fell off the wagon a little and I also rewarded myself for a solid week of exercising by having a Texas Burger … Continue reading
Posted in Biology, Health, News, Science & Technology
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Better Off Without ’em by Chuck Thompson
Better Off is a long, multi-page, darkly humorous argument on how the American South (aka, the Deep South) should be allowed to secede because the region is an albatross around America’s neck. Being a Yankee from Lincoln’s home town, I … Continue reading
Happy Record Store Day 2018!
Plus it’s Moontower Comedy Festival weekend! What a great time I’m having but I’ll write more about the Moontower later. Today is about the kickoff to the Geek/Nerd High Holidays starting with music. The problem is that both were at … Continue reading
Soylent week update, yet still progressing
After some discussion and clarification with Somara, I got talked out of drinking Soylent for every meal because she said it only substitutes for one or two of the three per day we tend to eat; I usually don’t do … Continue reading