Back to the Grind element of the year

A now we bid farewell to the American Holiday Stretch which is usually from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. Until next “year,” we return to our regular programming and maybe, just maybe the vaccine will bring back the true, regular routine we missed. Nah! I predict with 90% certainty, it’s SSDD. Biden is an asshole and as horrible as the last four years were, the Black Nixon administration was no golden age, just another eight years of lost opportunities the human race will not get back.

One bright spot regarding work is MLK being a paid holiday which earns me a little extra money to tackle the bills. Then it’s the mental beat down until May. I will hoard enough vacation to finally see my beloved Las Vegas again. Just not until it’s really safe.

Next task. Get those new or old resolutions down and resume them since I let the Pandemic throw me off track too much.

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