Personally, I don’t think Christ would’ve gotten half the inauguration hype Grampa’ Brunch got by the way the Democrats have pumped up this career Centrist. You won’t get any disagreement from me about how horrendous the last four years were. Our archaic system foisted on us a person who proved, “You thought the last Bush was shitty? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! I’ll through in some Hooverism for free!” My beef with this guy is he’ll never live up to FDR or Lincoln, two past presidents who really pulled America through horrible crises, hell FDR defeated a pair before he died in office. Both did some horrible stuff along the way which I will never deny but they were brave enough to fight what ailed America. They didn’t half-ass things with pointless speeches about unity or bipartisanship. Centrism has never worked and it never will. Centrism fueled the American Civil War until it hit critical mass in 1861. Centrism would’ve dragged out the Great Depression into the Fifties and given the Nazis enough wiggle room to develop a nuclear weapon. Trust me, if a planet-killer-sized meteor were heading to Earth, Centrism guarantees our demise. Putting the world back to where it was in 2015 won’t do.
Normally I would’ve let a hack like the current occupant have a longer grace period. We just don’t have the luxury with over 400,000 Americans dead and millions starving and/or homeless. I really do hope he succeeds. I can’t get behind him completely. He has a very long trail of slime, lies, Republican behaviors, nepotism and questionable wealth acquisition to overcome to prove he deserved to be the nominee. He and his apologists need to also remember he owes the pandemic for his victory. Otherwise, he’d be crying in his beer with past losers who thought “It’s My Turn” was a winning campaign slogan.