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Category Archives: Pictures
Good thing Jesus was a carpenter…
…because he was a lousy plumber!
1970s: New from Flesher Price!
I still probably would’ve preferred having the Star Wars version of this toy from Kenner because it was a loop of the battle involving the Falcon trying to escape from four TIEs. But given how low brow the Seventies could be, this … Continue reading
Florida Man lacks self-awareness
It’s nice to see that this professional Fascist is crashing and burning before he gets to the Milwaukee debate nobody wanted. Meatball Ron can join the likes of other failures JEB, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Mike Bloomberg and the asshole … Continue reading
Lynda’s struggle is real
Could’ve been much worse, I would’ve expected “Linda Y” or “Lindy” since I think people don’t think about vowels after grade school or when Wheel of Fortune isn’t on.
The only thing Science Deniers have right
It’s been about 40 years since I had Logic class at Marquette but I think this joke is a demonstration on how syllogisms get hijacked into “facts.” Good thing I prefer tap water I put through a Brita filter first!
Posted in Ecology, Humor, Pictures, Science & Technology
Tagged Climate Change, Flat Earth
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Painfully true August ’23 edition
As the kids used to say before Dubious Bush invaded Iraq, costing us trillions in blood and treasure, “You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!” The Right never learns as this mocks their lack of self-awareness when they point … Continue reading
Snappy Replies to Stupid Answers #1
Definitely a great, truthful cartoon mocking why we all need to press our advantage with dipshit interviewers while the job market is good. By now, everyone knows “competitive” means “We’re still going to squeeze you” alongside, “We have no fucking … Continue reading
Well…duh! (Aug ’23 edition)
If someone does succeed, I gotta know how they pulled it off!
Something Mickey D’s of the US should consider
One suggestion, they should offer this sandwich in grilled form because the middle bun is too much bread. Then again, why does the Big Mac have that stupid bun? I’m guessing it’s an appearance thing. Ray Kroc was a tightwad … Continue reading
Surrounded by Assholes!
My co-worker/friend Jason ran into these Assholes at the San Diego Comic Convention last weekend!
Posted in Eighties Tutorial, Humor, Movies, Pictures
Tagged Comedy, Eighties, Parody, Science Fiction
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The Deep South in one strip mall
When I first shared this picture with a friend who was born a Texan, I mentioned how the mall lacked a gun store to make my joke true. He countered that it’s implied via the liquor store. Damn! He’s right.
Now I know why my pay is low!
I should try this since my cats’ advice to pee on their shoes hasn’t gotten me anywhere.
Not really a Hipster, but definitely my ex-roommate
My second roommate in college, Chris aka Pee Wee, was nuts for the Smiths and REM. I know, it’s amazing we got along for any amount of time. REM I could handle in tiny doses since their fans were on … Continue reading
I thought it was for changing diapers
This graphic could come in handy if your kid is a discipline problem. Just threaten them with a baby changing station, preferably at Pet Smart or Petco!
My ‘crude’ skills with Photoshop July ’23 edition
My friends Helen and Paul are in the middle of moving to a new house. Regardless of the circumstances, we all know moving is a colossal pain in the ass! It’s a huge reason why I have fought tooth and … Continue reading