Jimmy Carter made it to 99

I do hope he makes it to 100 since yeah yeah, he has been a better ex-POTUS than when he was in the job. Again, remember, he wasn’t exactly dealt a great hand for the job and I do agree he could’ve done some things smarter. Plus I wouldn’t agree on all of his positions he took from 1977-81 which tarnishes his alleged Liberal credentials; I was 8-12 during his tenure so I wasn’t aware of the specifics at the time.

When you look at all the dildos that have followed since…a B-movie actor depending upon an astrologer; a GOP operative behind war crimes; a hillbilly who couldn’t control his dick; an inbred coke addicted Jesus freak; Black Nixon; New York’s biggest grifter Fascist; and now Grampa’ Brunch. Carter looks pretty fucking good. He would also know when to retire unlike the old shit birds in Congress.

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If they won’t pay their taxes…

…let’s help them go to Mars! Personally, if Biden had any balls, he’d send Bezos, Musk and that Virgin Records guy an invoice for the clearance to launch and land. “What, you want to re-enter US air space to land Mr. Bezos? Wire us a $1 billion or else the Air Force will shoot your ass out of the sky because we feared you were a Russian nuclear missile.”

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Klothos learns Physics

For once, a cat managed to give me the time I needed to get my GoPro ready to catch this! I might keep the raw footage around for a future compilation I’ll edit in Final Cut Pro! It was originally shot in 720p HD but I made an exported copy in 480p SD since who can really tell via YouTube and when you share it via SMS.

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Rot in Hell Diane Feinstein

Screw all those who say we should respect the recently dead, etc. This “pioneer” in the US Senate should be remembered for the same thing Bilary, Bummer and Barney Frank did. They proved that Non-White, Straight Men don’t have a monopoly on being shitty elected officials. Besides overstaying her welcome by over 12 years, this crone voted for domestic spying, defended right-wing shit bags (her comrades in the Senate) and lacked the courage to vote against Dubious’ illegal invasion of Iraq; she chose to ignore the facts presented by real intelligence gatherers.

We can also thank her tremendous ego on par with McCain and Bader-Ginsberg as she clung to death to the power she had to keep Amerika on track (and the world) toward the impending doom we’re certain to meet. Her pedantic responses to those children regarding the Green New Deal demonstrated how tone-deaf she was and that the Senate’s rules demand reform and change. Fuck tradition! Fuck seniority! We need people on the key committees according to their smarts and expertise, not because Bumblefuck Nowhere keeps re-electing a racist who delivers the welfare to keep them alive; see Kentucky, the Dakotas…well, all the Red States really. It was the Establishment’s excuse to keep electing this worthless bag of bones; then CA would lose its clout on key committees. Seriously? If you recall, about a month ago, she was so brain dead, we all know her aides were making the decisions; one is Nancy Pelosi’s unqualified daughter, what a coincidence! Oh yeah, how did it work out with her being sick, paralyzing the Judiciary Committee from OK’ing Biden’s court appointments, in a weak attempt to balance all the assholes the Republicans rushed through under Trump and Bush 2? This one wasn’t entirely her fault. Schumer’s balls are in Big Pharma’s purse as the real response as per Dave Anthony should’ve been, the Democrats put in a sub and tell the Republicans, go eat shit; you succeeded in your stunt to deny Obummer his right to replace Scalia during an “election year,” despite Saint Reagan did in 1988.

Yeah, yeah, I’m an angry Lefty and how can I bring this up? The poor old lady died. Sure, but the poor old lady was fucking 90 and wielded influence over millions. Something no other Western democracy allows since they know a tiny few at best have mental faculties beyond pudding. If anything beyond getting rid of her via the Grim Reaper happens, let us hope it strengthens the movement to pass laws forcing mandatory retirement at 67 like we peasants must do. The Gerontocracy must end now!

Meanwhile, Newsom, discount Mitt Romney, who is going to run in ’28 is pivoting to the Center, aka shitting on trans children, union workers and the environment; can appoint a crony. He promised a Black Woman, I’m confident he’ll easily find one as hypocritical and incompetent as veep Harris. The rumor is Barbara Lee. Well, at least she’s also old, 77. The better, more forward-looking choice is Katie Porter yet she’s automatically disqualified despite her politics. She’s more progressive than Feinstein, Lee or Schiff ever were and a Honky CIS Protestant. You see, the Establishment needs a female and/or non-Protestant Kleptocrat of “color.” Ergo, when you point out their immoral behaviors such as insider trading (see Pelosi, Menendez), their apologists get to use their knee-jerk, lazy accusation script to change the subject by calling you a Bernie Bro, racist, homophobe, anti-semite, transphobe and/or misogynist. This is Feinstein’s true legacy when she used Harvey Milk’s murder to climb the ladder and kick it down for everybody else.

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Mandatory photo for Health Classes and you know…

Not sure if this would’ve made a dent in all the teen pregnancies I encountered up in “real” ‘Murica, aka North Dakota. How its numerous teens alleviated their incredible boredom and lack of smarts was how Amerika got to 300+ million. We can’t thank/blame all of it on immigration.

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1953: Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” speech

On this day, President Eisenhower spoke before the UN General Assembly to promote the peaceful, positive applications of nuclear discoveries. Instead of weapons, why not harness nuclear fission to provide electricity! Given how much I think Ike was one of America’s lamest presidents, in short, he was an ass in a chair for eight years. When he wasn’t sitting, he was playing golf or shtupping his mistress. We can definitely blame this asshole for why every POTUS going forward (with Carter as an exception) loves to play this eco-terrorist activity designed for rich douchebags to flaunt their greed, keep down the poors via “clubs”  while wasting water and land. It’s also no shock Nixon and Trump cheat.

But putting the Soviet Union on their heels by promoting nuclear reactors was a rare smart move from a rather cowardly, do-nothing guy. It got people thinking how fission was the future. Many believed we’d have mini-reactors attached to our houses, etc. The world of The Jetsons! This also led to the creation of the IAEA a few years later. Today the IAEA leads the charge in developing fusion which will be too late since Climate Change had its coming out debutante ball this Summer, declaring the wait is over. I’m still glad he had an indirect hand in this outcome. Fission-driven power plants remain the worst for obvious reasons: nobody has a good solution for the radioactive waste they create and it doesn’t matter if they’re managed by Kapitalism (AynRandism) or Communism (Stalinism), the human race lacks the maturity to operate one safely.

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Six hundred comments!

A nice landmark and it only took, what? 18 years. Such a great conversation starter my site is, that and you can blame the crap I post as I guess it just doesn’t interest nor enrage enough people. The latter is good since I don’t want to deal with the negative energy but I just remember, I’ve received a couple from former right-wing friends who demonstrated their knuckle-dragging worldview. In short, I don’t miss those two assholes.

Anyhow, the winner for #600 is my friend Nelson and yes, I’ve politely prodded him to post something of greater substance as I admonish everyone for the stuff I also despise on other sites: “first!” “I agree!” “It’s so true.” I’m confident it’s why numerous sites decided, yeah, we’re not pissing away thousands to host these sad excuses for a forum of “ideas.”

Now on to 700 and I know I’m being a dick, if it’s not of much substance, it won’t count toward a prize from this day forward.

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Relearned some High School Physics I didn’t learn

Maybe I was out that week in Physics class in 1986. I do remember we spent way too many weeks on vectors, fulcrums and the stuff about lenses was boring. We never got nuclear or atomic stuff but near graduation, I vaguely recall electrical things like resistance. Oh yeah and how slow electrons really are, as in 16+ minutes to cover one meter of an electrified piece of metal. I just never got the gist of Watts, Joules and so on.

Why does this matter anyway? In my curiosity over how much closer we are to harnessing fusion (too late to stop the Climate Change disasters, it’s here) along with my on again/off again 2300 AD campaign, I’ve been hybridizing all my favorite RPGs to perfect interstellar travel. The key has been figuring out units of energy to coincide with what I call the Super Symmetry drive or as my setting calls it, the Alcubierre Drive, maybe AD drive for short. Those are both real-world references! The AD is a nod to the KK drive from one of my favorite Sci-Fi novel settings by Alan Dean Foster, the Humanx Commonwealth.

What a I learned in my research was a bummer. A Watt equals a Joule, fine. However, a Joule is only enough energy to move approximately 100 grams one meter. Why not a kilo or one gram? A hundred grams seems silly and arbitrary. The other thing that was a relief was getting clarification on how power plants or sources are rated, finally! When the stats say an installation produces n MegaWatts (usually), this is its maximum per hour. I wasn’t sure if this was per second, minute, hour, etc. Hell, it could’ve been for the lifetime of the power source. A government site clarified my confusion. Now I can extrapolate this for all the power plants listed in 2300 AD‘s supplemental starship construction rules while I rein in the rather absurd Energy Points from Traveller‘s High Guard. Ready, 1 EP = 250 MW. I’d say it’s a bit much when this is applied to today’s Space X or Artemis rockets given those rules say they’re Tech Level 6 or higher.

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1993: Dazed n’ Confused debuts

I think this movie was supposed to make Richard Linklater a big deal but it tanked. For me it doesn’t help that its legacy was launching the overrated, insufferable self-proclaimed favorite son of Austin…Matthew McConaughey. Contrary to the myth, he was always a no-talent, struggling actor before Dazed came to Austin. Oh yeah, it also gave Ben Affleck a small, humorous role. I have to admit, he became a decent director for the two things I’ve watched he worked on.

The upside? It was an early job for the likable Anthony Rapp from Star Trek: Discovery. I guess you could say the same of Milla Jovovich despite her never speaking. Then comes Indie Queen Parker Posey (her Dr. Smith for Lost in Space clobbers Gary Oldman) and the other Texan, Renée “bee-stung lips” Zellweger has a non-speaking part too.

The mixed…playing Austin/Travis County bingo and lamenting what we’ve lost over the last 30 years as we’re becoming the new overpriced, New Austin to accommodate all the Californicators and New York Hipsters. Contrary to the Texas Republicans, the exodus isn’t their tribe, it’s worse, the selfish Centrist class.

Anyway, I was never interested in seeing Dazed initially for several key reasons which I think contributed to its failure.

  1. It looked like yet another stoner comedy, especially how the poster’s byline plugged the plot. Cheech & Chong mined this genre to death by 1983.
  2. I was really sick and tired of Seventies nostalgia. The plague of the Nineties as Fashion, Hollywood and other dipshits love to recycle the trash of the previous 20-25 years!
  3. If imdb.com is to be believed (and often you can’t), they claim 1/6th of the budget was spent on getting the music rights. Pretty pricey for crap you hear on the radio every day for free.

A few months later, I moved to Austin and not many people spoke about it. You could see it every night at the Dobie Theater as the midnight feature for a year. Doc informed me our private dorm/employer was approached to house the cast during the Summer of 1992. The clueless GM refused since he was a small-town, ex-football coach asshole who believed whatever Rush Limbaugh said. Little did he know, the majority of them would be sleeping all day as the story takes place mostly at night.

After living in Austin for a few weeks and retaining the bad night owl life style I developed in college, I chose to see Dazed at Dobie. I hated it. I walked away thinking, what was the point? There’s no coherent story! It’s just a bunch of dumb, small-town teenagers getting high, drunk and thinking about how they’re going to rule the school next Fall. I don’t need to watch that! I lived it in North Dakota. I’m lucky Dazed didn’t give me some form of mild PTSD! So I went back the following evening, thinking I overlooked a key element or to confirm I just “don’t get it.” Good thing I did. Upon the second watching, I came away with a better hypothesis I continue to stick with as I’ve never asked Linklater for the answer. It’s really a day-in-the-life of the last day of school in a small town in Texas circa 1976. A little time slice covering about 24 hours. There’s no resolution to the ongoing conflicts facing Pink and the gang, those will play out over the Summer and Fall. Dazed is also a love letter to the late-stage Boomers and vanguard Gen Xers who were teens, tweeners and little kids (I’m in the last group, I would’ve been eight). It certainly caters to a few of my friends.

Obviously, Dazed joined the legion of Sleeper Hits that gained greater success and a core audience through cable and video rentals. It’s a shame how this Second Chance channel is gone due to the streaming services being a mystery with their numbers. We only know if something is a hit on Netflix if they say so, mainly plugging their productions, especially the chess thing with the actress who looks like someone smacked her forehead really hard.

So if you’ve never seen Dazed n’ Confused, give it a try. Linklater did well when he wanted to recapture the memories of the mid-Seventies. Years before the rather predictable and not funny That Seventies Show. It’s a great companion to the awesome Netflix show, F is for Family.

A rather different explanation for my Header Art!

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Darned front filling popped out

Normally this doesn’t happen when I eat ribs but as soon as my tongue discovered a new hole on my teeth, I was, crap! Not bad, the filling held for four years. My front teeth would be in better shape if it weren’t for COVID-19. Luckily I got an appointment this morning to get it fixed. I only had to deal with the horrible meth-addict look for two days.

The dentist, she did a fantastic job! It’s like it never happened. The downside, over the years decay got in there which explains the filling finally giving up. She said she bought me a couple more years so there’s a painful root canal in my future. Dang. Still, I look better while I have to save up for the four crowns or whatever.

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New for me in iOS 17, cat stickers!

iOS 17 was released this week and for once (or maybe, first in a while), I got to enjoy a new feature, stickers! You create them pretty quickly in Photos. Then you add them to your ready-to-go stickers in Messages. I do hope WhatsApp has an update add this.

It’s pretty impressive in its accuracy at removing all the background stuff or maybe the programmers wrote code to focus on cats since they do rule the Internet.

If it’s a Live Photo, the Sticker is made into a GIF but it didn’t translate very well to be uploaded into my site. It’s OK. You can’t resize GIFs because you’ll negate the cool motions Metztli does as she realizing I’m taking her picture. No luck catching Isis yet it’s inevitable!

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Correcting George Will’s standard bullshit…

The answer according to the clairvoyant seer of the East…Karnac!

Dust, spare change and George F. Will.

Ripping open the envelope, and now the question.

Name three things you’ll find under a rug.

The Beltway Bullshitter who loves Baseball (his touchpoint with the common man despite being the One Percent’s mouthpiece), came down from his Ivory Tower after lamenting with Brooks over an $80 airport meal to lecture us about the UAW’s obsolete strike and its success. Nice to know the One Percent is getting their money’s worth from a newspaper only read by other Beltway Assholes, not the audience they think he can affect. As a “journalist,” I recall he might be a member a union called the Newsguild too.

In light of the UAW successfully holding Grampa’ Brunch’s feet to the fire after his 50 years of shitting on them, amongst other Americans, a standing POTUS is finally showing some overdue support. I can’t recall this happening my lifetime, especially after St. Reagan fucked us all by firing PATCO; news flash, the US still hasn’t recovered from the loss of all those experienced air-traffic controllers if you’ve kept track of the latest near misses.

Anyway, I found it necessary to correct this alleged NeverTrumper’s latest drivel probably riddled with baseball analogies or metaphors or whatever it is to make you think he knows his gardener’s first name.

You can thank me by just running this every time ol’ Georgie opens his face Mr. Bezos, in exchange for money. You’re welcome in advance since I’m confident you also make him do astroturf pieces defending why you should have obscene wealth and underserved power.

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Houston Shock Jock Moby died 9/12/23

Moby wasn’t as famous as the other equally boring, homophobic and tedious shock jocks who pollute FM radio nowadays…as FM radio dies. I know his schtick pre-dates Howard Stern, the king of loving his own voice, but was definitely after the rarely funny Steve Dahl.

When we moved to Houston in 1982, Moby was the region’s Andrew Tate, meaning many tweener and teen boys loved his morning show on 97 Rock. He annoyed me immediately by his bitching about Yankees moving to the area through his thick Southern accent. This didn’t help with my year of sadness of being away from my more familiar Springfield, IL surroundings. What little I was subjected to of his “comedy” was mostly off-color jokes you can’t tell in polite company anymore and mean digs at Monty Montrose, his surrogate to mock Houston’s gay community (Montrose remains the traditional neighborhood like the Castro district of San Francisco). In his defense, everybody mocked gay people, including the traditional Left and so did I. Thankfully, many of us got it together as we realized we were being cruel and we were hurting others. Lastly, I think being KLOL-101 fan, anything with 97 Rock just made me go, meh.

I still would see updates about Houston radio after we moved away to Indiacrapolis in 1984, the home of another boring duo called Bob & Tom. In 1984 or 1985, 97 Rock gave up and changed formats. Moby was signed to a non-compete for Houston so he took his act to Dallas but when the day the contract expired, KLOL sadly signed him. No idea how long he lasted that go round. I’m going to take a guess and say, not long. My friend Jeremy was living there until some point in the Nineties and said I didn’t recall Moby. I’d like to give the people of Houston credit for coming to their senses and demanding a more intelligent voice in the morning short of NPR.

It is sad how Moby died of stomach cancer only in early sixties and finishing his career being a Country DJ. However, I think the era for his type of crap alongside Stern, Dahl and Bob & Tom is long over, finally. Most people control their morning commute with better music and they have apps on their phones to monitor the traffic and weather. They never needed to hear some mean-spirited joke only appropriate for the grade-school playground.

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Another lame reason the Republicans would be against Solar

Even the Dutch have their prudish morons. The townhome in the middle has the same number of solar panels as its neighbors (eight) but due to the skylight, the panels were set up as a “U” instead of an “L.” When the three sets are put together, it makes the Dutch word for “dick,” with the connotation of somebody being a jerk or asshole. It’s not easily seen unless you’re in a helicopter. The local council, I’m guessing that’s their version of a pesky HOA, is deciding what to do. Solar panels are OK. The debate is if you can make swear words.

I’d still deal with this problem than what we have in the US. Big Oil and the Republicans are doing everything they can to discourage dependency, especially the past laws saying the power company has to buy back your excess! This one ex-friend should be a lobbyist since he was humorless and thought his spurious reasoning was funny…even the sun will run out. Of course it will but I think your magic underpants will keep you warm ex-friend.

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Talk like a Pirate Day ’23!

I wish I had a real pirate hate but I settled for my trip-corner because they wore those too. Maybe I’ll do better next year.

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