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Monthly Archives: September 2014
Life Itself: Worth Seeing
Seeing this documentary about Roger Ebert was my personal me-time birthday celebration for 2014. I used to take in a movie back in my twenties but the tradition faded out when I managed to cooler fare as the thirties were … Continue reading
New term for Urban Dictionary: DouchebAggie(s)
douchebAggie: noun; a student or graduate of Texas A&M who enjoys cruel or sophomoric humor. While waiting in queue for the Aquabats concert, a bunch of us were watching these semi-drunk Aggies hanging out on the balcony of their expensive downtown … Continue reading
Nichelle Nichols
Running into the cast of Star Trek shows continues with living in Austin! Nichelle dropped by Dragon’s Lair for a quick signing because it was on the way to another convention in San Antonio with George Takei and Walter Koenig. Lucky Somara, this … Continue reading
Put me in for a gross!
Kristin posted this as a tribute to Jeremy, but I’m sure she was speaking for all wives and girlfriends because we all know…girls don’t fart as the song goes. Personally, I hope this is true. Of course it could *ahem!* backfire … Continue reading
The T-Rex must have some Kryptonite in its teeth
Spotted this amusing shirt during my vacation while waiting for Magic Johnson. Given Superman’s incredible strength, the dinosaur should’ve been clocked a few miles away even after John Byrne gimped this ability in the Eighties.
Happy Birthday Somara!
Today is a pretty cool day for my wife of 11-plus years. It’s also her 16th birthday with me. I guess you could say our relationship is allowed to drive! Only a few more years before it can buy me … Continue reading
Welcome back Mangia!
The recent rumors were true. Mangia Pizza has returned to Austin’s north side! My favorite deep-dish pizza place in Central Texas regained the location on Gracy Farms (it’s near MoPac and Burnet). The interim place Pizza Bistro was very good … Continue reading
I’m still not Groot (Beer)!
The other half of a nice gift from those friends. Rocket I had heard of. Groot I had no clue and it appears he precedes the Marvel Universe’s launch in 1961. This does make sense though. Before Stan Lee and … Continue reading
Happy First Day of Fall 2014
To me, Labor Day is the official end of Summer and kick off to Fall. Being a Midwesterner, school would agree since its beginning tended to coincide with this arrangement. In Austin, it’s at least a couple weeks away. Phew! The … Continue reading
Magic Johnson
Glad to get my Brushes with Greatness part of the Vegas trip back on track! I might not be a Lakers fan but Magic Johnson is a player I’ve respected since college. When I was younger, he wasn’t on my … Continue reading
Austin Pride 2014
I really don’t know if this parade and its related events are relatively new or it has been happening for years. Based upon my research, the foundation to run the activities only goes back to 2011. However, I’ve lived here … Continue reading
Arrr! Happy “Talk like a Pirate Day” 2014 matey!
Remember to batten down the hatches, put on yer best gear and prepare to take some booty! Oh yeah, real pirates don’t wear makeup!
The feral cats of Tahiti Village 2014
One awesome encounter at Tahiti Village was with the maintenance manager who helps oversee the feral cat population around the parking garage. It was good news mostly. Through her efforts with the city/county, many have been rounded up over the … Continue reading
First royal flush I’ve seen in 17 years and this time, it’s mine!
I remember the first time I saw someone get a royal flush at video poker. It was during my four weeks of living in Las Vegas for PowerComputing. We ate dinner at Caesar’s Palace and afterwards we played the game … Continue reading