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Monthly Archives: November 2014
Band Aid 1984 is the header since it’s the anniversary
Bob Geldof has reunited with the other egomaniac Bono to do yet another update to Band Aid. The song remains touching, it does have a touch of sadness but then again, anyone with half a brain knows the reality of … Continue reading
The Theory of Everything: Worth Seeing
Science and Reality have received some serious boosts lately: the success of the new Cosmos; the well-deserved ridicule the Texas SBOE got for their moronic recommendations in textbooks (most were left out); new discoveries with space probes; the Lego set with the … Continue reading
All is OK down in Austin
The recent shooting is on (I imagine the same for TV), a minor front-page story on The Guardian and nowhere to be found with the New York Times (we’re not on a coast with a Spago’s). Anyway, things are fine. The … Continue reading
Happy 16th Birthday to Nick!
A joyous occasion! My first nephew and/or niece was born on this day. Now he’s in the prime spot of being a teenager. Recently his dad told me what he’s into…mountain bikes (alright) and skateboarding (hmm). The latter gets the semi-disapproving noise because … Continue reading
Big Hero 6: Worth Seeing
Disney’s first outing with a non-standard Marvel property succeeds so well, you could call this The Incredibles 2. The former master then student has returned to being the master given how lame Pixar’s last couple releases were. With John Lasseter as head … Continue reading
1994: First Thanksgiving in Austin
I had been doing a good job knocking out story after story, something around two a day when the month kicked off. Thanks on again/off again cold. Aunt Letty’s passing couldn’t be helped. I’m glad she got what she wanted … Continue reading
RIP Aunt Letty
I recently received the sad news from my brother Brian tonight yet previous updates were provided by Cousin Leesa over the weekend. Letty had been more ill than I realized since her surgery several years ago. However, I want to talk … Continue reading
Austin Spurs (formerly Toros) win home opener!
Another Austin-related goal off my checklist! After 10 years I went to see our own D-League team. The D stands for Development, not the grade you didn’t want in school although it was a passing mark, ask Dan Quayle and … Continue reading
Rainy days, recovering temperature and malaise
We got through our first cold snap(s) for Winter ’14 to ’15 and it still sucked compared to the regions accustomed to this crap. What I thought I had licked re-appeared Sunday night, knocked me down for a couple days. … Continue reading
RIP: Glen A. Larson
I remember loosely connecting the dots with his name from the opening/ending credits whenever I watched Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. It was the same guy who created/developed them. Big discovery eh? I’m sure there’s a sarcastic comment my … Continue reading
Posted in Diversions, TV
Tagged Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Obit, Science Fiction, Seventies
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Dumb and Dumber To: Rental at Best
It seems the Jim Carrey everyone loved back in the Nineties has returned but I was more stoked about Jeff Daniels. I probably went with my expectations set too high given this was a Farrelly Brothers movie and the original … Continue reading
1864: Sherman’s march to the sea begins
Today is the 150th anniversary of General Sherman’s controversial move to deliver the killing blow to the illegitimate Confederate regime. I’ve heard a couple Confederate apologists over the years in Austin bring up the horrors of Sherman’s forces: theft, arson and … Continue reading
Interstellar: Rental at Best
The defending mantra I’ve heard from Interstellar‘s fans have been, “it’s just a movie.” It sure was, a movie with a mediocre plot and terrible science pushing it through. I’m in the same camp as Dr. Plait, I can accept a … Continue reading
Annoying kink in my first Tim Cook day
Somara likes to blame me whenever she comes down with a cold so I guess this was her revenge. Last week she dodged getting seriously ill while I weathered it just fine…until the temperature around Austin plummeted and I woke up … Continue reading
Happy first Birthday Ben!
The future little Austinite will be having his celebration delayed by a couple days yet I want to get something out there to alert the world. I’m pretty stoked about his upcoming party, some kind of venue in which you … Continue reading