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Monthly Archives: March 2019
The UK and its inept gov’t get an extension
In short, the people of the UK are so screwed. If they think their has-been empire will rebound from all they’re going to lose trading with the rest of Europe, they’re also delusional. According to On the Media, some of the … Continue reading
Math-Nerd Onesies
My friends Elizabeth and Matthew received or bought (not sure which) a couple Math-based joke onesies for their new son Aaron. That’s the beauty of being an infant, you don’t have to worry about bullies and morons not getting the … Continue reading
1979: The Three Mile Island Disaster
For better or for worse, the accident that happened at this American nuclear power plant changed the country’s opinion about how safe this type of energy generation was. Thanks to TMI (before it became the abbreviation for Too Much Information), … Continue reading
Elaborate Health Assessment 2019
This ordeal, and I will call it that, was way more work for me than any physical exam. It involved me doing a stair-stepper thing for three minutes (good thing I exercise, I would’ve dropped dead sooner), a plank (I … Continue reading
RIP: Ranking Roger (nee Roger Charley) with anecdote
Such a shame to lose Roger at such an early age. Many of you all, especially if you’re under 40, probably don’t recognize his name but he was a major player in early Eighties music under the New Wave banner … Continue reading
Making cookies with Cookie Monster
A while back I started subscribing to comic book author and Saturday-morning cartoon show runner Mark Evanier. I know him best as Sergio Aragones’ writing partner on Groo the Wanderer. One thing Mark likes to do is share videos he … Continue reading
Sherwood Forest Faire ’19
We had such a great time last year, we managed to come back sooner. Well, Sherwood is easier to take in than the Renaissance Faire which takes place in the “Fall.” I put quotes around the season because it’s still … Continue reading
Gauntlet joke
A pretty good amateur gag covering how food works in the old video game Gauntlet. The bit showing Questor the Elf doing what often happened when you were in a multiplayer game is relatable because there’s always one idiot out … Continue reading
RIP Larry Cohen
Another great B-Movie director/writer/creator has passed away. Larry may not be as famous as Roger Corman or Russ Meyer but he gave us some pretty bitchin’ flicks through his career: Black Caesar, It’s Alive, Q and The Stuff. With Joe Bob Briggs’ return … Continue reading
1919: Benito Mussolini founds the Fascist Party
A century ago, a horrendous political movement was created by Benito Mussolini. Although Hitler would take this crappy mindset even further, resulting in three percent of the planet being killed and practically all Jews in Europe exterminated, Mussolini came from … Continue reading
1988: The Naked Gun, still holds up
Another entry for the Lost Tales or “Steve didn’t post this in a timely fashion.” In the end, does anyone really care? Maybe. I really wanted to get my recollection posted closer to the New Year because that’s when I saw this … Continue reading
Posted in Eighties Tutorial, Movies, Streaming, The Lost Tales
Tagged Comedy, Eighties, Parody
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Longest official streak ends at 52 days
I blame exhaustion caused by Daylight Savings Time for bringing my streak to an end. Better to take a sick day now before something much worse and more crippling happens. However, I’m not bummed. I actually look forward to starting … Continue reading
New D&D/PF campaign, but this time I’m a player!
One cool thing at my job, beyond the hundreds of people on site, are all the groups/clubs my employer encourages. Oddly, Austin never had a strong D&D group. I joined the e-mail group years ago but all the traffic was … Continue reading
Another year without a Shamrock Shake
I need to get off my butt and write a polite, complaint letter to the McDonald’s corporation regarding them letting this tradition lapse. Maybe it’s a Texas problem, I need input from all of you who live in other US … Continue reading
The Kid Who Would Be King: Streaming at best
This Super Bowl Sunday the choices for seeing a movie on the best day of the year to go were terrible if there was going to be something Somara and I could agree on. Glass was out because she’s not a … Continue reading