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Category Archives: Apple
Apple’s new stuff, namely services are pretty cool
Tim and Company came out to show off what everybody expected. A new iPhone, a new Watch and a new iPad alongside what some of the OS features would be. The cooler stuff which impressed even a grizzled support veteran … Continue reading
Posted in Apple, Arcade Games, Computer, Science & Technology, TV
Tagged Personal Gadget, Streaming
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KMAG is back!
Shortly around KMAG’s 17th anniversary, its ten-year home, a 2009 Mac Mini I bought mainly to host the stream and all the cool services Mac OS 10.6 Server used to have…crapped out. It only took me a week to ten … Continue reading
Augmented Reality Scavenger Hunt
Yesterday, I got to participate in a scavenger hunt that utilized Augmented Reality when it came to finding clues to move on to the next destination. This was done for my friend Ebeth’s birthday celebration up at the Domain. Despite … Continue reading
Posted in Apple, Austintatious, Science & Technology
Tagged Augmented Reality, Birthday Party
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I now have an iPhone Xs
Another piece of levity to lessen the severity or annoyance of losing my car two nights ago. The main reason for going to where we were going, resulting in the accident was to pick up my new iPhone Xs…and … Continue reading
RIP iTunes
It was a good run for software given how rapidly things evolve faster than human wisdom but the writing was on the wall since iOS had already separated iTunes’ functions into three apps. My brother has a very intriguing and … Continue reading
May 2019 ends with perfect month #2, for the year!
The records I’m setting just keep on coming! I achieved my second perfect month this year, third ever and longest yet because it was my first 31-day month. On to see if June is successful and I have my first … Continue reading
Five hundred days cumulative…finally
Too bad this only took me around four years and two Apple Watches to pull this off. Let’s hope getting to 1000 days will happen faster. I’m also curious if any owners who achieved this at some point in 2018 … Continue reading
Today’s modern idiocy, Sunday 4/14/19 edition
I have yet to write about the cool go-karts at Pinballz Lake Creek but today I experienced one of the new wrinkles smart phones have given us. This one teenager was so busy futzing with the tunes on his phone … Continue reading
April is here with a new header!
On this day 30 years ago, the Internet as we recognize it got rolling with the implementation of the World Wide Web. Today it’s rather ubiquitous and only elderly people bother to put the three Ws or ‘http://’ in front … Continue reading
Somara fixed my Apple Watch a while back!
This feature on my first Apple Watch got knocked out by a software update over three years ago. I tried to fix it but couldn’t so I gave up. Then I bought my new watch last Fall and the damned … Continue reading
RIP Evelyn Berezin
Of all the people I’m writing about lately, Evelyn has had the greatest and most lasting impression or effect on me. She is credited with inventing Word Processing! Unless you didn’t know, my father got into Data Processing (an offshoot … Continue reading
RIP Paul Allen
Paul wasn’t as famous as Bill Gates or Steve Ballmer being the number three guy at Microsoft but he will always remain essential to the history of personal computing. He was also pretty savvy too. Paul left Microsoft in 1982 … Continue reading
Farewell AIM (America Online Instant Messenger)
Tomorrow we say goodbye to AIM. Twenty years of existence is a millennium given the turnover with technology these days. Until cell phones with SMS messaging became ubiquitous, AIM was the way to communicate with friends and family. Now it’s FaceBook…if … Continue reading
The new “alarm clock”
I recently won an iMac at work. Not a bad model at all. It would be nice to utilize the computer in some fashion beyond being an alarm clock but we just lack the space and time. So I cleared … Continue reading
My MST3K perks
If you haven’t heard by now, Netflix has renewed MST3K for another season since the Return was a success by their mysterious algorithms. Meanwhile, as a proud Kickstarter backer way back when (I chipped in enough to get the Blu-Rays), I had … Continue reading